Shawn Erick Jubelt, 65, of Lake Orion

Shawn Erick Jubelt, 65, of Lake Orion

Shawn Erick Jubelt of Lake Orion (formerly of Oxford) passed away peacefully at home on March 3, 2022 at the age of 65. Shawn is the son of the late Frederick Jubelt and Phyllis (Stoyk) Jubelt. Shawn is survived by his loving wife of 42 years, Caroline (McNeil) Jubelt; children Benjamin Jubelt, April (Michael) Bryson […]

Peter G. Schmidt of Lake Orion

Peter G. Schmidt of Lake Orion

Peter Gerard Schmidt (May 28, 1958 – March 8, 2022) passed away after a very short, hard-fought battle with cancer while his loving family stood by his side until the very end. For those who only saw Pete from the outside, you would never imagine the depth that lay beneath the surface of this gentle […]

Janet Marie Lombardo, 63, of Lake Orion

Janet Marie Lombardo,  63, of Lake Orion

Janet Marie (Stoner) Lombardo of Lake Orion passed away February 24, 2022. She was 63-years-old. Janet is the daughter of the late Bob and Pat Stoner-Lauer and the step-daughter of Mark Lauer; mother of Keith (Rachel) Essendrop and Bobby Shaw; sister of Sandra (Paul) Kern and Suzanne (Peter) Sharpe; and aunt of many nieces. Janet […]

Susan B. Marcus, 78, formerly of Lake Orion

Susan B. Marcus, 78, formerly of Lake Orion

Susan B. Marcus (nee Kruse), age 78, born and raised in Lake Orion, MI, formerly of Chicago, IL, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 after a long illness. Susan is survived by her loving step-children: Bruce (Jeanne) Marcus, Steve Marcus, Miriam Marcus (Mike Nirenberg), and her step-grandchildren whom she adored: Andrew, Marie, Eli, […]

Village of Lake Orion Noxious Weeds/Nuisance Ordinance Notice

VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION PUBLIC NOTICE NOXIOUS WEEDS/NUISANCE ORDINANCE NOTICE Sections 95.35 through 95.39 of the Code of Lake Orion provide that: (1) Specified poisonous or injurious plants, and other weeds, grasses and vegetation that exceed a height of 8 inches above ground level, are considered to be noxious weeds and a public nuisance. (2) […]

Orion Twp. Board of Trustees Synopsis Regular Meeting 2-22-22

CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION BOARD OF TRUSTEES SYNOPSIS, REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2022 Called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All Members present. Invocation given by Clerk Penny Shults All rose for Pledge of Allegiance. Public Hearing was held for the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF) Grant application. Supervisor Barnett honored Mike Macdonald […]

Lake Orion — Synopsis of Ordinance Adopted — Planned Unit Development Text Amendment

VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION SYNOPSIS OF ORDINANCE ADOPTED PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 26.104 ARTICLE 11: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TEXT AMENDMENT At its Regular Meeting of February 14, 2022, the Lake Orion Village Council accepted for second reading and adopted Ordinance No. 26.104, an Ordinance to amend the Village of Lake Orion Zoning Ordinance, ARTICLE […]

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