Fire Dept asks for emergency transportation

Every minute counts when responding to an emergency. With this in mind, Springfield Township Fire Chief Charlie Oaks asked the township board for official permission to transport patients with life-threatening injuries (priority one) when no other connection is available in a timely manner. According to Supervisor Collin Walls, the township currently relies on private ambulances […]

Cemetery opening worries some

Many people see a moving mental picture when thinking of a military funeral. Most picture a flag-draped casket lowered into the ground as Taps plays in the background; a final tribute to a veteran who served our country. With the opening date of a new national cemetery in Holly in question, several people affiliated with […]

No routine maintenance for state roads

Oakland County drivers frustrated with potholes on their daily commute will face increased irritation over the next few months. Due to the exhaustion of state funds from their maintenance contract with MDOT, the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) stopped all routine maintenance work on state roads as of June 22. Work stoppage means the […]

Independence Twp. firefighters help MDA

Independence Township firefighters from Local #2629 will hit the streets July 31 to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Captain Mike Fahrner said last year the department raised $500 through collections from among the staff and donations from union and service dues. Fahrner expects 15-20 volunteers to collect throughout the day, mostly at the […]

MDOT commits funds

The Road Commission for Oakland County was told in a July 20 meeting it will receive additional funds from the Michigan Department of Transportation, allowing most routine maintenance of state highways to resume. ‘We were told that MDOT is providing us with $50,000 immediately to cover the most critical activities, and an additional $1 million […]

Farm and Garden hosts ‘In the Good ‘Ole Summerthyme!’

Good eats, old-fashioned music, a few home remedies and smiling faces should bring a country feel to Clarkston in August. The Clarkston Farm and Garden Club hosts ‘In the Good ‘Ole Summerthyme!? in Depot Park August 10. The country fair is part fund-raiser, part community event, says member Cathy Grogan. ‘People enjoyed it last year […]

At Ease

I can’t help noticing all the yellow magnetic ribbons in honor of our troops every time I’m stuck at a traffic light. Then there’s the politicians saying a million times how no matter their personal/partisan views on the war, the troops must be supported. Apparently, we’ve learned that our troops deserve far better than what […]

Bridgewood Church offers new child-oriented building

When the first members of Bridgewood Church moved into Independence Township on Sashabaw Road three years ago, they could sometimes hear critters running in the ceiling during service. With the opening of their new facilities on the corner of Rattalee Lake and Ortonville roads, church officials hope to usher in another kind of pitter-patter. The […]

In the pursuit of peace

While most people only experience the violence and turmoil in the Middle East through TV and newspapers, Annette Thomas experienced the tension first-hand on several occasions. Thomas developed an interest in the plight of refugees at an early age through her mother, a Czechoslovakian refugee. While traveling in Jordan to visit friends in 2002, a […]

‘Horse whisperer? coming to Oakland Woods Baptist Church

Those who think they have nothing in common with a horse may be surprised at what Paul Daily of Wild Horse Ministries has to say when he visits Clarkston in August. The man some call a ‘horse whisperer? claims discoveries of many parallels between people and horses he uses to teach Christian lessons. ‘The horse […]

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