MDEQ hears both sides of well debate

Residents packed the meeting room at the Springfield Township Library last week to voice concerns about a proposed ‘augmentation well? on Waumegah Lake. Many learned, however, that the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality cannot legally respond to their concerns. Many protesters fear the augmentation well will threaten their private wells, but MDEQ officials at the […]

President sees budget, feds as challenges in 2004

The school year runs a bit different from the calendar year, so officials already knew most of the challenges of 2004 months ago. Karen Foyteck, president of the Clarkston Community Schools Board of Education, said the district is actually at mid-year, with budget challenges, bond construction and federal mandates at the top of the agenda. […]

Springfield officials threaten bailout from NoHaz

Springfield Township officials are not happy with revisions in a cooperative household hazardous waste collection plan, but they will go along for now. In the meantime, they will ‘actively explore? possible participation in Independence Township’s independent program. Discussion at the Thursday, Jan. 8 township board meeting revealed some frustration with those leading the North Oakland […]

Volunteer becomes conservancy exec

Sue Topping wasn’t looking for a job when she visited the North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy three years ago, but she got one. Now she is executive director of an organization dedicated to conservation of natural resources by negotiating purchase of land and urging property owners to establish perpetual conservation easements. ‘It was on my […]

Construction plans begin to take shape

The promise has been made: ‘On time and on budget.? The Clarkston Community Schools Board of Education heard the promise Monday, Jan. 12 concerning projects to be funded by last year’s voter-approved $84.7 million bond issue. Three consultants gave updates on the planning and construction process. Some repairs and renovations have taken place, and major […]

Developer to seek variance after recent site plan approval

It’s a relatively new development which involved a lot of negotiation at the time it was approved. Now the developer wants a variance to benefit the current and potential residents of the neighborhood. The Springfield Township Board on Jan. 8 approved the site plan revision, but warned developer George Mansour of a potentially difficult time […]

Staff ‘brainstorms? to revise 6-7, 8-9 curriculum

Two new schools will debut in fall 2005, but not in new buildings. Based on preliminary staff discussions, their curriculum and philosophy will have a facelift to accompany the renovated buildings. When school officials proposed a $84.7 million bond issue in 2003, it included the premise of realigning grades as part of the plan to […]

Commission regroups after Springfield fire

Bracing for this week’s forecast for more snowy, icy weather, the Road Commission for Oakland County said they are ready, despite last week’s fire at their Springfield Township garage. ‘We’re very confident that we’re in a good position to handle whatever storm comes,? commission spokesman Craig Bryson said Monday. Despite the loss of 17 pieces […]

School board to seek $1.9 million in budget cuts

Clarkston Community Schools will seek an additional $820,000 in savings from the current year’s budget, with a target of $1.9 million to be trimmed from the projected 2004-2005 budget. How that is to be accomplished is still up in the air, but a Monday school board workshop identified a long list of possibilities, including ‘pay-to-participate? […]

‘New? firefighters stand guard in Springfield Township

They’re not really new, but they represent a new stage of service with the Springfield Township Fire Department. Ryan Hart and Matt Strickland were hired for the new positions authorized in the 2004 fire department budget. Each will work the day shift at each of the township’s two fire stations, not only providing quick emergency […]