Porn charges filed against local man

An Independence Township man has been charged with 10 counts of computer-related pornography crimes generated by a Pennsylvania state trooper’s investigation. Nicholas Michael Baker, 20, was arrested by the Oakland County Sheriff Computer Crimes Unit in December, according to an announcement released by the sheriff’s office last week. County reports said a Pennsylvania state trooper […]

City to crack down on restaurant sewer maintenance

Downtown Clarkston businesses have caused thousands of dollars in ‘extraordinary maintenance? costs because of a failure to install and maintain grease traps, according to city officials. In the future, responsible businesses will have to foot the bill, following action by the Clarkston City Council on Jan. 10. The issue has been discussed at various times […]

Pedestrian signal will change: Wylie

In other business at the Jan. 10 meeting of the Clarkston City Council: ? Council Member Steven Wylie said he received an e-mail promising a change to the pedestrian signal at Main and Washington streets. According to Wylie, an e-mail from a staff member at the Road Commission for Oakland County said an electrician will […]

Servers to give ‘Tips for Tsunami?

Jennifer Korsedal and Tara Johnson had the same reaction as many others when they heard of the Dec. 26 tsunami disaster in south Asia. They wanted to help, but knew their limitations. Korsedal and Johnson work at Classic Coney on Dixie Highway. They thought combining their efforts with staff at other area restaurants would have […]

Suspect threatens ex-girlfriend via phone, videotape

A 22-year-old White Lake Township man was awaiting arraignment on Monday on charges of home invasion and repeated threats against a former girlfriend in Independence Township. The suspect’s threats of physical violence, up to and including murder, included multiple telephone calls and went so far as to include statements recorded on an Oakland County Sheriff […]

Woman reports robbery at residence

Oakland County sheriff deputies are investigating a strong-arm robbery reported on Jan. 7 at a residence on Pine Knob Lane. The victim, reportedly a key witness in a domestic assault case against her ex-boyfriend, said she was visited by a woman identified as a friend of the defendant. After hearing the woman honking her horn […]

Restauranteur has gourmet view of life

As a boy growing up in Hamtramck, Myron Grosz remembers when a local Kiwanis club purchased Chicago Cub uniforms for his baseball team. ‘It was the full uniform, not just the t-shirt,? he said, recalling the pride with which he wore that uniform to a fifth grade Halloween party. ‘At age 53, I still remember […]

Semi rollover leaks fuel, snarls rush hour

Independence Township firefighters inspect the scene of a tractor-semitrailer rollover on I-75 just north of M-15 on Monday. Just before 5 p.m., the southbound driver apparently lost control of his rig, which went into the median and rolled over into the northbound lanes. Attempts to obtain official details from the Michigan State Police were unsuccessful. […]

Family, friends remember Food Town chain founder

A pioneering Clarkston business woman is being remembered as ‘a loving, kind person.? Margaret Lavelle Roth, founder of the Food Town grocery store chain, died on Dec. 24, 2004. The family chose not to reveal her age or the cause of death. The first Food Town store opened in 1944, and the chain eventually grew […]

City council mulls change in M-15 banner policy

Now that the Clarkston DPW has a new lift truck, some city officials fear a greater demand for publicity banners across Main Street (M-15), with greater expense to the city for that service. At their Dec. 13 meeting, the city council adopted an annual resolution required by the Michigan Department of Transportation (which has jurisdiction […]

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