Garden club renews effort for bridge in Depot Park

The Clarkston Farm and Garden Club wants to add to the beauty of downtown Clarkston with a bridge over the river in Depot Park. The club floated an informal proposal to the Clarkston City Council on Feb. 14, and agreed to follow city procedures for formal approval. Garden club President Julie Piazza told the council […]

Station expansion planned

Springfield Township owns property earmarked for an eventual third fire station, but expansion and renovation of Fire Station #2 is a higher priority, officials said last week. After some preliminary conceptual work, the township board voted on Feb. 10 to authorize soil borings and a topographical survey at Dixie Highway and Rattalee Lake Road. In […]

Plea bargain reduces charges against cop assault suspect

The man charged with assaulting a restaurant manager and a Clarkston police officer pleaded guilty to a lesser charge last week and will face sentencing on two misdemeanor offenses. Thomas M. Wilhelm, 45, of Lake Angelus, was previously charged with resisting and obstructing a police officer (a two-year felony), assault and battery (a 93-day misdemeanor), […]

Child sex offender suspect headed for circuit court

Testimony last wee by a now-14-year-old girl led to a decision to send a criminal sexual conduct case to Oakland County Circuit Court. David N. Benton, 44, of Springfield Township, appeared before 52-2 District Judge Kelley Kostin on Feb. 10 for a preliminary examination on two counts of second degree criminal sexual assault against a […]

Local Peace Corps volunteer seeks help for Africans

Jodie Bargeron is already making a difference in the west African nation of Mali. With help from folks back home in Clarkston, she could do even more. The 1999 Clarkston High School graduate left for training in August 2003, and will complete a two-year term of service this November. Before she leaves, however, she would […]

Readers respond to poem questions

Alert readers of The Clarkston News have provided answers to questions posed by an historic poem about the Clarkston area. ‘On the Road to Clarkston Town,? written by Detroit poet Orrin Alden DeMass in 1932, chronicles travels along Clarkston Road. It depicts not only the nature of the travel along the ‘rustic road,? but also […]

Street right-of-way dispute rocks city meetings

What started as a dispute between neighbors over driveway rights has turned into a verbal and legal spat involving Clarkston city officials. Wompole Drive resident Bruce Whitmer has protested city council decisions and procedures in connection with decorative rocks he placed at the end of his driveway last summer. Wompole Drive is a small, formerly […]

Council limits time for public comments

Two recent meetings with long conversations on non-agenda items led the Clarkston City Council on Jan. 24 to institute a policy limiting speech during ‘public comments? to no more than five minutes. City Manager Art Pappas raised the issue, suggesting a discussion of a possible time limit be placed on a future agenda. Council members […]

Pontiac robbers blamed for BK heist

What some law enforcement officials have dubbed the ‘Thelma and Louise? case included a Dec. 21, 2004 robbery from an Independence Township Burger King restaurant, according to police reports. Kimberly Ann Schultz, 44, and Carla Rae Colley, 41, both of Pontiac, were arrested in Livonia on Jan. 31 after they allegedly robbed a Wendy’s restaurant. […]

Ladies quartet offers singing Valentines

Those looking for a unique way to send Valentine’s Day greetings might consider a ‘Val-O-Gram? from a local barbershop-style ladies quartet. A foursome calling themselves ?4 His Glory? will make personal visits (within a 20-mile radius of Clarkston) or telephone calls to almost anywhere on Monday, Feb. 14 and, if possible, the previous Friday night […]

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