Reporter at Large

One of the joys of working for a newspaper is working with other people who work for newspapers. Among the benefits (aside from having people with whom we can commiserate over the problems unique to our trade) are the conversation and thoughts stimulated from each other’s writing. Case in point this week is Jennifer Nemer’s […]

DPW gets more space but no car wash

Independence Township officials will seek building proposals for an addition to the Department of Public Works complex, but an automatic car wash is not part of the package. The township board on Tuesday, July 1 approved a plan submitted by Dave Belcher, director of facilities and maintenance. In addition to giving the DPW more room […]

Reporter at Large

‘By the dawn’s early light?? Well, it wasn’t that early, but you had to get up relatively early to reserve a good spot on Main Street to watch Clarkston’s Independence Day parade. With all due respect to the parade participants (who put on a fine march), it’s almost more fun to watch the people in […]

Residents want answer to burning question because…

Dennis Davis longs to enjoy the pleasant summer breeze in his Oak Vista home,on the west side of Sashabaw near Woodhull Lake, but he says his neighbors make that impossible. ‘I feel it’s not right that I have to sacrifice because somebody’s burning all the time,? Davis told the Independence Township Board on Tuesday, July […]

Springfield Township 37 acre land purchase ensures more conservation

With the help of $145,000 in government grants, Springfield Township and the North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy will protect an additional 42 acres of land from modern development. The township government and the conservancy made up the difference in the $235,000 purchase for land off of Eaton Road near Broadway (Davisburg Road). The township government […]

New school budget shows less spending

A little more work at the beginning should lead to better results at the end. The 2003-2004 ‘major funds? budget for Clarkston Community Schools now shows a savings of more than $615,000 than originally anticipated, thanks to what officials call a more accurate estimate of employee fringe benefits. The board of education on Monday approved […]

Board elects officers, debates conferences

With the departure of President Kurt Shanks and Treasurer Janet Thomas, it was assured there would be new officers for the Clarkston Community Schools Board of Education. Karen Foyteck was elected president of the board. She will chair school board meetings, appoint board committee members and serve a variety of ceremonial duties. Other officers are […]

Cemetery marker generates disagreement on history

Springfield Township officials believe the Michigan Historical Society is trying to rewrite history, and they want no part of it. In March 2002, the Springfield Township Board approved an application seeking designation of the Davisburg Cemetery as a state historical site. That would qualify the cemetery for an official bronze marker similar to those seen […]

Paving of Holcomb faces roadblock

Most officials believe the project will still happen, but a proposal to pave the current gravel section of Holcomb Road encountered some bumps last week. By a 3-3 tie on Tuesday, July 15, the Independence Township Board failed to approve a cost-sharing proposal with the Road Commission for Oakland County and Springfield Township. Supervisor Dale […]

Reporter at Large

Random, arbitrary and otherwise miscellaneous ramblings from your friendly, neighborhood reporter: One of the pleasant things about covering government meetings is dealing with people who can be pleasant themselves. There’s nothing wrong with healthy disagreements, of course, but a bit of good humor helps in the long run. John Koval, a new trustee on the […]

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