School board revises medications policy

In other action at the Monday, April 14 meeting of the Clarkston Community Schools Board of Education: ? The board adopted revisions to district Policy 5330, recommended as a result of Michigan Public Act 51 of 2002. The policy, ‘Use of Medications,? added ‘herbal medications? and substances designed to be taken by mouth, by inhaler, […]

Springfield trustees grapple with new crime ordinance

A new township crime ordinance will be up for second reading at the Springfield Township Board meeting on Thursday, May 8. When first reading took place Thursday, April 10, officials disagreed not on content, but on the merits of having offenses prosecuted as local or state crimes. The ‘Omnibus Criminal Ordinance? is intended to replace […]

Parks chief sees value in recreation

It’s a lot of work helping people having fun, and Mike Turk has fun in his work. Turk began as an Independence Township park laborer in 1976, finding the job after being laid off from General Motors. ‘Actually, I fell into it,? he said. ‘I was into athletics, and it was an outdoors job, so […]

Boosters turn bond issue meeting into policy bashing session

While supporting quality education, most of those at an April 29 parent meeting joined school officials in criticizing federal and state programs designed to promote quality education. ‘No Child Left Behind and Education YES are very important,? said Sherri Kerby, president of Academic Boosters of Clarkston. ‘They’re going to be the yardstick that’s going to […]

Do public schools enjoy ‘victim? status?

The controversy over the federal No Child Left Behind program, and Michigan’s Education YES companion legislation, should be exhibit 4,739 in the pile of evidence proving that one should be careful when asking the government to fix anything. In the case of the public schools, it is a double irony because school districts are, after […]

Parents plan to mobilize for bond election support

Janalee Grainer summed up the feelings of a parent group concerning the issues on the June 9 school election ballot. ‘We need to tell our neighbors,? she said. ‘I’ll do my subdivision.? Grainer was one of about a dozen parents who attended a Tuesday, April 29 meeting of the Academic Boosters of Clarkston. Part of […]

Schools pick construction manager

In anticipation of a positive June 9 vote, Clarkston Community Schools have chosen a firm to ‘hit the ground running? in supervising construction. The board of education on Monday approved the hiring of Skanska USA Building Company at a price not to exceed $3,382,987. If voters approve the proposed $83.7 million bond issue, Skanska will […]

Lighthouse staffer finds ‘home?

Jane Carr has moved so many times that her eldest son attended 19 different schools. She has found a ‘home? in Clarkston, however. Born and raised in Cleveland, she became a ‘Navy bride? at age 18 and started a traveling life. Stops have included Monterey, Calif.; Bremerton, Wash.; San Diego, Denver, upstate New York, a […]

Reporter At Large

It’s spring, when a young man’s fancy turns to? Well, we know about young men. For some of us middle-aged guys, however, it’s time for yard work. It would be interesting to research whether the sale of liniment rises proportionally with the sale of fertilizers and lawn and garden tools. I’d be glad to be […]

Legislators defend school mandates

State legislators sympathize with some of the criticisms of federal and state quality assurance programs for education ? but only to a point. Upon learning of criticisms voiced at an April 29 parent support group meeting, state Rep. John Stakoe (R-Highland Township) and Sen. Mike Bishop (R-Rochester) both say they see changes coming to Education […]

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