Oxford grad is an X-Treme Warrior

When Anita Fischer Jarzeboski’s father was first diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a blood cancer, three years ago, it made her realize how life can change in an instant. ‘I was healthy other than being overweight, but what was I doing with my life?? she asked herself. In June of last year, the 1986 Oxford High […]

Casey’s Commentary

Since the New Year began, I, like everybody else in the world, decided to turn a new leaf and begin to eat healthier. It’s not that I used to eat fast food every day, but that I wanted to become more self-conscience about what I put in my body. Because I work late some nights […]

Coming to America

Although most of us Michiganders are sick of the snow, Oxford High School foreign exchange student Rogelio Blanco is loving it. ‘This was my first time with snow,? the 17-year-old junior said. ‘I like it a lot.? Blanco hails from Culiacan, Mexico, which is northwest of Mexico City. On the other hand, foreign exchange student […]

Former resident competes against 5th-graders on TV

Although former Oxford resident Sam Traylor may’ve gotten good grades during his elementary school career, his true knowledge will be put to the test on Thursday as he becomes a contestant on FOX’s Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Traylor currently lives in Irvine, California, where he’s pursuing an acting or music career. Although […]

Chicks, bunnies coming to Johnston Photo

Big hats and lacy gloves are no longer a nessecity for the traditional Easter portrait. At Johnston Photography, located at 8 N. Washington St. in downtown Oxford, they’ve taken a more natural approach. From March 13-24, kiddies can get their portrait taken with cute and fuzzy baby chicks, or bunnies on March 22-23. Dorothy Johnston, […]

Cheer team places 10th at state finals

After a great season of skillful jumps, stunts and becoming regional champs, the Oxford Competitive Cheer Team wrapped up their season with a Division 2 ranking of 10th at the state finals over the weekend. At the Delta Plex in Grand Rapids, the girls spent Friday night watching Division 1 girls compete so they could […]

So long, Char

Although it may sound strange to some, Oxford School District’s transportation supervisor, Charlene Podzikowski, said the hardest and easiest part about her job is working with residents in the community. ‘When you have to deal with so many personalities you can’t make everybody happy,? she said. ‘I put out fires every day.? That skill of […]

Local history saved by Parks and Rec.

Usually, employees of the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation spend their days creating events and enrichment activities for the local community. Recently, though, their job title was expanded a bit to local history gumshoes. A couple weeks ago, Parks and Rec. Director Ron Davis returned to his office at 20 W. Burdick St. to find […]

Gibson-Marshall taking over as Lakeville’s principal

Only two weeks after announcing her retirement at the end of this school year, a replacement for Lakeville Elementary principal Sharon Karpinski has already been announced. Kristy Gibson-Marshall, who is currently the assistant principal at Oxford Middle School, will take hold of the Lakeville ropes this September. Gibson-Marshall has served in Oxford for 12 years. […]

Gameshow contestant gains fianc?, $50K

Although he didn’t come out smarter than a fifth-grader, former Oxford resident Sam Traylor landed a nice chunk of change and a life-long partner after his March 15 appearance on the gameshow ‘Are You Smarter Than a 5th-Grader?? Traylor was able to win $50,000 on the FOX show that measures the adult contestant’s knowledge of […]

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