Sam and Jane Coram retire

Last Monday, the staff and students at Daniel Axford Elementary declared first grade teacher Jane Coram ‘Queen for the Day.? She recieved a beautiful crown to wear, was given colorful tissue paper flowers from students, sung to, recited poetry to, given a handmade quilt and if that wasn’t enough, she will even have a tree […]

4-H members build greenhouse to help feed needy families

They know how to grow fruits and vegetables, how to raise chickens and they’re all under the age of 14. They’re the members of the Oakland County 4-H Club, and these six agriculturally developed kids have been busy working on their latest project ? building a greenhouse to help feed the needy. Aaron Hubbard and […]

Another Hicks graduates OHS

Talk about keeping it in the family. For the past 50 years, three members of the Hicks family has graduated from Oxford High School every 25 years. Elden Hicks in 1955, his daughter Leeanne Hicks in 1980 and her son Mat Duncan, who will be graduating this year. ‘It’s just kind of weird that it […]

Fischer participates in MYLead conference

On May 20, high school sophomores gathered on the campus of Concordia University in Ann Arbor for a three-day leadership-building conference hosted by the Michigan Youth Leadership (MYLead). Oxford High School student Kaity Fischer, 15, joined approximately 150 students from high schools across Michigan to help build involvement in their schools. ‘It was about getting […]

Plants and Pirates

June 4 was a day filled with plants, books, games and pint-sized pirates in Addison Township. The Friends of the Addison Township Public Library conducted their 3rd Annual Plant Exchange & Used Book Sale while the Addison Township Parks and Recreation Committee hosted Labodie Park Day. At the Friends? event, residents gathered to swap plants […]

Sports, clubs spared the budget axe

When the Oxford School Board announced its budget reduction plans in April, its proposed strategy to cut various athletic programs ? such as boys and girls golf ? and extracurricular clubs at the high school and middle school levels drew tons of criticism from the public. After many meetings with a committee of concerned parents, […]

Low CAD enrollment explained

Too long. No room on the schedule. Lack of interest. These are the main reasons students gave as to why they didn’t sign up for Oxford High School’s CAD (Computer Aided Design) classes next year. As a result of low enrollment, the program was suspended for the 2005-06 school year, drawing a room full of […]

Deputies search for vehicle vandal(s)

Authorities at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Addison substation are still searching for information on the person or persons who vandalized two deputies? personal vehicles on Wednesday, June 15. Upon returning to the station after patrol around 2 a.m., deputies Rami Abi Adal and Brad Ostrander noticed a 50-gallon trash can lying in the parking lot. […]

School board approves $35 million budget

A $35 million balanced budget for the 2005-06 school year was unanimously approved June 14 by the Oxford Board of Education. The 2005-06 general fund budget lists expenses totalling $35,073,711 and revenues equaling $37,753,990. Revenues include $4,996,000 from local sources (property taxes, interest income, etc.); $26,138,742 is from state sources (primarily per student monies and […]

Keeping Alex’s stand open

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! That’s what 8-year-old Alexandra Scott of Pennsylvania did, and the ice-cold lemonade benefits more than the thirsty. Alexandra started a successful nationwide fundraising campaign called Alex’s Lemonade Stand to benefit childhood cancer research. After being diagnosed with neuroblastoma in 1997, Alex, then 4, decided to sell lemonade for […]

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