Athlete of the Week ? Maddy Dunn

Maddy Dunn is this week’s Athlete of the Week for her incredible skiing chops, recently put on display at the Junior Olympics in Vail and Beaver Creek Colo. from March 6-12.
‘The hills out there are just huge,? said Dunn. ‘You really can’t be thinking about slowing down or speed checking though. You just have to know how to ski? and have no fear going over the jumps.?
In the 13 and 14-year-old age group, Maddy was the third highest ranked skier out of the Midwest region and placed 20 out of 162 in the downhill event. She also competed in the slalom, super g and giant slalom.
‘It was a lot of fun to compete with such great athletes,? said Dunn.
Dunn’s parents, Molly and Charles, are both avid skiers, and Maddy was taught how to ski at a young age. Her early years spent carving up Pine Knob Ski Resort provided Maddy with her first taste of competitive skiing through the Thunderbolt Racing Program. When she was 10, she took second in a NASTAR event and has since been competing nearly every weekend of the winter.
‘You really have to be committed,? said Dunn.
While she is thoroughly committed to being the best skier she can be, Maddy does not spend fall, spring and summer staring wistfully at the bare Pine Knob hillside. The eighth grade Clarkston Middle School student lists softball, volleyball, track and waterskiing as just a few of her other pastimes.
‘I really like anything outside or athletic,? said Dunn.
Aside from her numerous sporting forays, Maddy also finds time during the school year to participate in student leadership and student council. Despite all of her other pursuits Maddy has also maintained all A’s in school.
‘I guess I work better under pressure,? said Dunn.
Having been allowed to practice with the Clarkston High School varsity ski team this past year, Maddy is looking forward to joining and adding to their continued excellence next year.

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