Alpha Club leads school recycling

Want to get rid of some old cell phones? Independence Elementary School’s Alpha Club can help. The 55 students in the club are collecting cell phones and other items through the end of the month.
“Cell phones, batteries, ink cartridges ? things that won’t decompose even in a million years,” said Jillian Ritchey, club treasurer.
“Recycling reduces a lot of waste, so there is not so much garbage in landfills,” said Josh Grindling, club vice president.
The Alpha Club, elementary-school branch of Optimist International, placed drop boxes at Independence Township Library on Clarkston Road, and Main Street’s Clarkston State Bank and Kieft Engineering.
Independence Elementary’s recycling program will continue. People can bring used, unwanted cell phones, personal-electronics batteries and ink cartridges to the school, 6850 Hubbard Road off M-15, during the school day.
“No large auto or boat batteries, please,” said said Susette Hart, club advisor. “It’s a school-wide project ? Alpha Club is just kicking it off,”
“We want to help make the environment cleaner,” said Hannah Grindling, club president.
The effort will help Independence Elementary achieve Emerald School status, a step up from green, said Matthew Hart, club secretary.
“It’s a pretty big deal,” Hart said.
Other projects for the club include letters to soldiers overseas, five-day book swap meets, and words of encouragement for students at parent-teacher conference time.
“We make sure every student gets a word of encouragement,”Ritchey said.
Alpha Club is open to students grades 3-5. It meets twice a month.

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