Addison wants you

If you’re an Addison Township citizen who’s knowledgeable in tax law, there’s a new committee that wants you.
The Addison Township Board of Trustees voted unanimously Thursday night to establish a six-person citizen tax committee charged with the goal of finding specific legal remedies to lower high property taxes in the township.
Trustee Ed Brakefield brought the issue to the board’s attention because he said he ‘constantly? hears from citizens ‘that our taxes are too high.?
Currently, Addison levies an operating tax of 1.078 mills, a 0.5737-mill library tax, a 3.5-mill police tax and fire millages totalling 2.737 mills.
A mill is equal to $1 for every $1,000 of a home’s taxable value.
‘The most important thing to me at this time is the mounting foreclosures, jobless and homeless citizens throughout Oakland County, as well as Addison Township,? Brakefield told the board.
‘These are special times we are living in, and we as spokesmen for the people should stop what we are doing, put aside our normal agendas and put on a different hat,? he said. ‘We need to wear the hat that will set aside our burdens because of our low budgets and high expenses, and focus on those citizens that are in much worse condition than we are.?
Brakefield said he is looking for citizens who are extremely knowledgeable in tax law and have specific legal remedies, not just ‘unhappy citizens.?
‘We will discuss ways that could make an impact now, not three years from now,? he said.
Because he knows changes to tax law have to be made in Lansing, Brakefield has already run the idea by state Rep. Jim Marleau (R-Lake Orion), who thanked him via e-mail for taking the initiative and offered words of encouragement for the committee.
Though there wasn’t any discussion by the board regarding the committee, Supervisor Bob Koski said he had no objections to it.
‘I don’t know what it can do, but it certainly won’t do any harm,? he said.
To join Addison Township’s tax committee contact the township at (248) 628-5409.

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