Addison wants equestrian crossing signs

Addison Township officials are hoping the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) will fulfill their request for 16 equestrian crossing signs along roads in the township.
Trustee Ed Brakefield said the township is looking to put up two signs, one on either side of the road, where it is crossed by the Polly Ann Trail to increase safety for equestrian riders.
The trail has eight intersecting points in Addison, starting at Hosner, Lake George, Curtis, Rowland, Rochester, Leonard, Gerst and Bordman roads.
Brakefield attributes the townships push to get the signs to Addison resident Bob James.
James and his neighbors, who live off of Hagerman Rd., own horses and have been concerned with the higher speeds on the dirt roads and the safety of the trails.
‘Some trails we can ride on, but with the hunting going on, we’ve got to ride on the roads,? he said.
James, who also works as a diesel mechanic for the RCOC, decided to request an equestrian crossing sign be placed on Hagerman between Leonard and Frick roads ? and the road commission did.
Dave Allyn, Director of Traffic and Safety for the RCOC, said Addison isn’t the only township requesting the signs.
‘With the removal of the 25 (mph speed zones) we’re obviously getting a lot of these requests from around the county for equestrian crossing, so we are taking a look at it,? he said.
Addison will write a formal letter to the RCOC requesting they ‘review the feasability? of putting the signs up.
‘I really believe in my heart that this is going to be accepted,? Brakefield said.
If the the road commission decides to grant the township’s request, Craig Bryson, public information officer for the RCOC, said the township wouldn’t have to pay a penny toward the signs.
He also said the signs could be installed as soon as two weeks after the commission decides to give the township the signs.
‘It depends on how busy our sign shop or sign crews are,? he said.

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