Addison wants back on trail council

After a long absence from the Polly Ann Trail Management Council (PATMC), Addison Township is seeking to rejoin ? that is if the price is right.
Addison Twp. Supervisor Bob Koski said he’d been talking about the possibility of rejoining the PATMC with board members and that they’re ‘looking very seriously into it.?
‘We certainly don’t have the money Oxford or Orion has, but if we can work out something where we can afford it we’d like to be able to participate,? he said.
Addison officials will discuss adopting a new funding formula for the trail at their August 21 meeting.
At the July 26 meeting, the PATMC passed a motion 5-1 to recommend adoption of a new funding formula for 2006-07 with Addison included. Koski attended that meeting as an audience member and stated Addison’s desire to return as a member of the trail council.
The proposal to change the current funding formula by which each community contributes to the trail would ease the amount Addison’s share of the budget.
Currently, the PATMC figure in each community’s state equalized value (SEV), trail mileage and population to establish funding. The change would eliminate the SEV and just figure in trail mileage and population.
Each of the three townships and two villages that makeup the PATMC must still approve this proposed funding formula at their respective board levels.
Polly Ann Trail Manager Amy Murray said the current formula was developed to ‘reflect not only the citizens that would be using the trail, but the ability of communities to pay.?
Using the proposed new funding formula, Murray said Addison’s five miles of trail and their population would contribute ‘about 22 percent of the overall budget.?
Although this proposed new formula is not ‘locked in stone,? Addison Twp. Treasurer Dan Alberty said the township’s spending would definitely be reduced if it were approved.
‘Depending on what the new budget will turn out to be, our portion over the next couple of years, if the formula goes down, could be any place from $4,500 up to $8,400,? he said.
Alberty said the township was paying a little over $9,000 a year for the trail when they eliminated funding in August 2005.
The PAT’s budget is still in council, according to Murray.
With the proposed new funding formula also comes the stipulation that each community is responsible for maintaining their consecutive portion of the trail.
Alberty said Addison Twp. will use the Oakland County Weekend Alternative for Misdemeanants (WAM) crew who need the community service hours for maintenance on the trail to keep the cost minimal.
With Addison Twp. becoming interested in rejoining the council, Murray said she believes the township realized participating in the trail is ‘good for the citizens? and that she’s happy they want to rejoin.
‘The trail council was formed as a group to benefit not just their own municipalities, but the larger community,? she said. ‘I think the feeling is that that’s what it’s job still is.?

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