Addison to pay $5K to MTA

Addison Township officials unanamously approved at their regular meeting last Monday, to continue paying dues to the Michigan Township Association (MTA).
Based on the township’s 2005 taxable value, the township will pay $5,055.60 and $303.34 for legal defense for a total of $5,358.94 by August 1 of this year.
According to supervisor Bob Koski, Addison has been involved with the MTA for at least 50 years.
A letter written to the township stated over 6,500 elected township officials rely on MTA for protection against interest groups trying to divert state resources away from the townships.
The MTA was established in 1953 and offers many other benefits to townships like Addison. For instance, producing local MTA boards so that townships have input and representation concerning county and state issues.
Addison clerk Pauline Bennett said the MTA is constantly informing them of bills and laws that lawmakers in Lansing are proposing via weekly and monthly newsletters.
They also review ballot language and give insight on what is accurate or innaccurate and run it by legals.
‘So, it kind of saves the township money by running it by them first,? Bennett said. ‘It is a great and worthwhile organization.?
Koski agreed, and said when he first began at the township he was asked to attend an MTA meeting where he learned even more about his responsibilities. ‘It gives you a lot of the basic things that you don’t know when you’re elected, like your authority and your limitations,? he said.
For more information on the MTA, visit

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