Addison prepares for road chloriding, improvements

The Addison Township Board of Trustees passed a road chloride participation resolution 6-1 and also alloted more money toward local road projects at a special meeting March 12.
Township officials said they are budgetting $18,000 for their 2007-08 road chloriding, to which they will pay 50 percent of the final accepted amount for residents living on a public road who participate.
The Road Maintenance Corporation of Leonard has performed the chloriding for the township in years past and will charge 28 cents per foot for four applications throughout the summer for residents who sign up for it.
The resolution also states that Addison Township residents may hire a licensed contractor, such as the Road Commission of Oakland County, and be reimbursed one half of the final cost per foot as determined by the Board of Trustees if they do not wish to have Road Maintenance Corp. perform the chloriding.
Last year, Clerk Pauline Bennett said the township set aside $16,000 for road chloriding and that this year’s stimate of $18,000 is ‘to play it safe.?
The township agreed not to seek sealed bids this year for the road chloriding because the Road Maintenance Corporation has kept the same reasonable prices as in years past.
At the same meeting, Addison officials agreed on adding a new account in their budget for $45,000 worth of intersection improvement projects, which was added to their road projects account of $100,000.
The township road projects portion of the proposed budget, excluding road chloriding, are primarily funded by Tri-Party funds.
How many miles and which roads will be a part of the road projects, like graveling, is yet to be determined.

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