Addison hikes land development fees

After financially supporting land development for many years, the Addison Township Board of Trustees voted during the August 4 regular meeting to finally begin bringing the Land Development Fee Schedule (Ordinance 91) more in line with costs and what other municipalities are charging.
“The township has been subsidizing development and planning for some time now,” said Clerk Pauline Bennett during the meeting. “The township has been covering the balance.”
So far this fiscal year the township has spent $11,300 for land development and planning. This cost includes items such as the township planner, the codification of the zoning ordinances and the planning commission.
To date, the township has only brought in $4,800 in land development fees. The fees are applied to the $11,300, but the township must cover the remaining balance.
After reviewing what similar municipalities are charging, such as Orion and Oakland Townships, a new fee schedule was drafted. The new listing contains increases on all fees and separates out other fees to distinguish between commercial and residential developments. Bennett informed trustees that the new amounts will bring the schedule closer to the amount being spent, but the township will still be covering a fair amount of the cost.
The only strictly new addition to the list is an application fee of $125. Bennett said that this amount stays in the township and is basically an administrative processing fee that covers the office’s costs.
“We can not make money on this,” Bennett informed board members.
Some examples of the other increases are:
n Site plans – regular site plans have increased from $450 plus $5.25 per division or unit to $500. Site plans for commercial, industrial, public, office, site condos, cluster and P.U.D. have been separated and will cost $1,000.
n Zoning Board of Appeals – regular hearings have been increased from $250 to $300 for person residential use. Hearings for commercial, industrial, public, office, site condo, cluster, land divisions, and P.U.D. have been separated and will cost $500.
n Special meetings of the Township Board has been increased from $400 to $500 plus professional or legal fees.
A complete listing of the new land development fees will be published in the public notices of the Leader. The new amounts will go into effect after that time. Copies of Ordinance 91 can be purchased from the township office.

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