Addison explores having one trash hauler serve entire twp.

Now that Addison Township is going to save money on its trash-hauling services, Supervisor Bruce Pearson is wondering if there’s a way to save the municipality money by having one company pick up eveyone’s garbage.
‘I have a real concern that we have a lot of residents who are getting ripped off for garbage pickup just by the quotes we got,? he said. ‘There is a huge difference (from) one carrier to another (and) some of the carriers that were extremely high we see everyday (driving) up and down in our area.?
Last week, township officials voted 6-0 to grant a three-year contract to Republic services to collect the township government and fire department’s trash. Rates will start at $82.50 per month this year and increase to $85 next year and $87.50 in 2015.
The township sought bids from nine trash haulers but received responses from only three ? Sunrise Management Services, Waste Management and Republic Services.
‘Republic was the cheapest by a long shot,? Pearson said.
Sunrise’s monthly rates began at $112, then increased to $123 and $138 next year and the year after.
Waste Management’s monthly rates were $130, $132.58 and $135.25 over the three-year peiod.
Contracting with Republic will save the township around $90 per month. Addison was previously paying about $120 for pickup at the township and $54 for pickup at the fire department.
‘That’s quite a bit of savings and I’m just happy we can go out do this every once in awhile,? Pearson said. ‘It’s how we save money.?
Republic has been around since 2000 and is the second largest trash hauler in the United States. The company currently services Rochester Hills, Ray Township and Flint.
Based on the savings the township government will experience, Pearson is looking to explore the possibility of having a single trash hauler serve every household in the township, a proposal he plans to bring to the board next month.
Right now, Addison residents obtain their own trash hauling serves via private subscriptions. Waste removal is not a service offered by the township government.
Not only does Pearson believe residents would see savings, but the township as a whole would be ‘greener.? Having one company collecting trash throughout the township on one day would mean less fuel use by the hauler’s trucks.
It would also mean less ‘wear and tear? on the roads.
‘We have six different garbage companies six days a week running through our town. Here we are spending all this money and we’ve re-graveled all our roads and these garbage trucks are one of the main reasons they get (torn) up,? he said. ‘This way everybody’s garbage goes out the same day and it all gets picked up and then we don’t see the garbage (sitting out) the rest of the week.?
Pearson said they would probably be able to get recycling once a month at a discounted price, instead of residents paying extra for individual pickup.
‘It’s time we protect all the residents and we bargain in numbers because that’s where we get our discounts,? he said.
Clerk Pauline Bennett said she has no problem ‘exploring the issue.?
‘Whether it is this or a different issue,? she said. ‘It’s always good to think about things.?
Trustee Linda Gierak said she needs more information in order to formulate a definite opinion on the subject.
‘I haven’t made any concrete decisions about it,? she said. ‘I recognize it could really be a benefit for our residents, but at the same time I know there are a lot of local small companies that could be greatly impacted, so I need more information.?
Pearson indicated the township would be fair in its decision-making process and request bids from every available company.
‘If they’re the lowest bidder, they’ll get it. It’s not like we’re trying to push any garbage company out of business or anything like that,? Pearson added. ‘If residents find out they can save 50 or 60 percent and it’s a one-day garbage pickup and they can get recycling, I think that’s going to make a big difference in their opinion of whether or not to do this.?

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