Addison approves 2007-08 budget at annual meeting

At the March 31 annual meeting, the Addison Township Board of Trustees unanimously approved the 2007-08 budget.
The township’s general fund budget is set for $1,280,242 in revenues with $1,279,831 in expenditures, leaving a positive balance of $411.
‘I think the budget for this upcoming fiscal year is in good shape,? said Treasurer Dan Alberty.
Although he said the township is ‘not rolling in dough,? the treasurer said they’re ‘confident? in where they will be spending their money in the 2007-08 budget.
For instance, the township has budgeted $164,000 for road programs, which includes road chloriding, intersection improvements through tri-party funds and graveling through tri-party funds.
Several other budgets were also approved by the board.
The fire operational budget has $812,800 estimated in revenues and $812,800 in appropriations, leaving a balance of zero. The fire department’s capital account has estimated $474,000 in revenues and $467,000 in expenditures for an ending balance of $7,000. The police fund is estimated at $1,085,000 in revenues with $945,289.91 in expenditures, for a balance of $139,710.09.
The estimated revenues of all funds is $3,652,042. The total amount of appropriations is $3,504,920.91 for a balance of $147,121.09.
Township officials and trustees will not receive any pay increase for this year, though township clerical employees will receive a 3 percent raise. The fire department staff will receive a 3 percent raise overall, while the fire chief received a 4.11 percent raise, bringing his salary from $55,263 up to $57,538.
The township supervisor and treasurer will each receive a total salary and benefits package of $40,838.04.
The township clerk will receive $38,276.70, as well as an additional $14,000 for additional duties related to land development (as adopted in 2002), bringing her total salary and benefits package to $52,276.70.
At the annual meeting, the township also decided they will keep the millage rates as they are now.
The general operating millage is set a 1.078, the library tax is set at .75 mills, the police tax is set at 3.5 mills, and the five fire taxes will total 2.737 mills. Three of the fire millages are set to expire in 2008.
A copy of the 2007-08 Addison Township budget is available for inspection at the township offices.

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