Academics focus of new school goals

Setting goals is the goal for Monday’s school board meeting.
For its last meeting before the start of the school year, Clarkston Board of Education hopes to iron out priorities at its Aug. 24 meeting.
‘We’ll work on a set of goals, and a road map on how to achieve those goals,? said board President Stephen Hyer.
They’ll work with ideas brainstormed at their July 16 retreat session on curriculum, budget, communications, and other big-picture items.
Curriculum items will include evaluation of trimesters, CSM Tech, school-within-school, and other academic programs, including cost versus benefits, and affect on student learning, said board Vice President Susan Boatman.
‘We want to know how they affect students, how they’re doing,? Boatman said.
The board also focuses on overall student achievement, she said.
‘Focus may seem to be on IB (International Baccalaureate), OSMtech and other advanced curriculum, but we have all kinds of students who didn’t choose either,? Boatman said. ‘They should still be improving what they know. Everyone should be able to do better. Everyone can learn and achieve more.?
Curriculum goals will also focus on teachers, such as Teachers as Leaders, an idea to place more responsibility and power with classroom instructors, said Trustee Joan Patterson.
‘Teachers are a very large part of student achievement,? Patterson said.
Communications include flow of information to schools, parents, staff, and community.
‘It’s been awhile since we talked about how we share information with the community,? said Trustee Barry Bomier. ‘We’ll see where we can improve and where we let it slip.?
Financial goals include staying innovative and open minded to new ideas, and evaluating existing programs, Hyer said.
‘Budget is a huge issue,? he said. ‘We’ll look at the whole district, at what makes sense, at how to do the best things for the district and kids while being responsible with our limited resources.?
Another goal may be to evaluate technology investments, Bomier said.
‘It’s time to look at it and see how it’s going, if we invested in right places, and if it’s being used,? he said.
The board will also work out with administration how and when information will be reported, Patterson said.
‘We’ll agree on what goals are, and also how and when we’ll see data regarding them,? she said.
With state and federal funding uncertain and always changing, flexibility is more important than ever, she said.
‘The more we talk and understand each other, the better decisions we’ll make,? Patterson said. ‘This has been an educational process for all of us.?
Rescheduling school elections from May to November is also up for discussion at Monday’s meeting, set for 7 p.m., Aug. 24, at school administration, 6389 Clarkston Road. Call 248-623-5400.

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