Winning streak ends for Wildcat basketball

Oxford’s varsity basketball team saw their winning streak end with a 51-36 loss to Brandon on Jan. 16 and a 49-33 loss to Richmond on Jan. 20.
The Wildcats came out strong on Jan. 16 to lead the Blackhawks 15-8 at the end of the first. However, Holly rebounded in the second to out-shoot Oxford 17-2.
“That really was the difference in the game,” said Head Coach Steve Laidlaw.
After the half, the team continued to struggle and the Wildcats were down by 11 as they entered the fourth.
“We cut it to five with three minutes to go, but we basically couldn’t get over the hump,” said Laidlaw. He added that the team simply didn’t make the shots and their were too many turnovers.
Lead scorer for the night was Bryan Mattack with 12 points. He was followed closely by juniors Dave Wendt with 9 and Brandon McKay with six.
“McKay had a great game,” said Laidlaw. “He came off the bench and hit two 3-pointers in the fourth right off the bat.”
On Jan. 20, Oxford continued to have difficulties getting in any shots.
“We’re just having problems scoring right now,” said Laidlaw. “we’re not making shots; therefore we’re not able to get into our pressurable defenses.”
The game decision for the Cats again came in the second period where Oxford only shot four points total. According to Laidlaw, that “sealed our fate.”
However, Oxford attempted to rebound in the third and the cagers were able to reduce a 16 point deficit at the half down to nine. Once again though, the team just wasn’t able to round the top and pull ahead.
Top points for the night were Wendt with eight and Stull with seven.
The Wildcats stand 4-5 overall and 2-2 in the FML as they prepare to take on their toughest match up of the season against the Holly Bronchos on Jan. 23.

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