LAKE ORION — The Village of Lake Orion Village Council will hold a public hearing beginning at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 6 regarding the proposed residential Starboard development.
Moceri Companies, the developer of the proposed projects, has also agreed to host an informational open house before the hearing to answer residents’ questions and address their concerns.
The location of the hearing and open house have yet to be determined. The open house will likely begin around 5 p.m., according to planning commissioners and the developer.
Hundreds of residents packed village council chambers during the planning commission’s Aug. 1 meeting to discuss the three proposed Moceri Companies residential developments along M-24.
The turnout — and residents’ general opposition to the proposed apartment complexes — led planning commissioners to decide to hold the hearing at a larger venue. Village Clerk Susan Galeczka is currently looking into potential venues.
Once a venue is selected, interested parties can check the village website,, for the location.
The Lake Orion Review will also publish the location in print if it is available before press time. Also check the Lake Orion Review website,, for the location before the Sept. 6 meeting.
Agendas and planning commission packets are available on the village website before the meeting. The village usually has board packets posted online the Friday before the meeting.
Anyone who would like to comment on the proposed developments can also send letters Village Hall, 21 E. Church St., Lake Orion, MI 48362, or email the village clerk.
Letters for publication can also be sent to the Lake Orion Review email,, by noon on Mondays for inclusion in the current week’s print edition.
Snail mail letters to The Lake Orion Review, 666 S. Lapeer Rd., Oxford, MI 48371 (in the Oxford Leader building). Make sure letters specify that they are letters to the editor.
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We encourage letters to the editor — All writers must provide full name, home address and a telephone number for verification purposes only. Letters are subject to editing for length, accuracy and clarity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less. Submission deadline for the current week’s publication is noon on Mondays.
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