Sisters stay close as neighbors

Their families ties are strong.
Zella Pennartz and Zetta Pierce are identical twin sisters. They are also neighbors and best friends.
‘We just go everywhere together,? according to Zella, including breakfast and shopping trips.
‘When we get bored, I call and ask, ‘Can Zetta come out and play?? Zella said.
Their husbands (Zella is married to Herman and Zetta is married to Ivyl), apparently developed a sense of humor about the sister act early on.
‘At the time, our boyfriends could not tell us apart,? Zella said. ‘The big joke was, whoever got in the front seat, that was their date.?
The couples were married within six months of each other, and are celebrating 47 years of wedded bliss.
‘We got keepers,? Zetta said.
The twins are the youngest of five children. Born in Harrisburg, Ill., their family moved to Pontiac when they were two or three. Growing up, the bond became so tight the twins almost forgot about their other siblings.
‘I only remember her,? Zetta said.
‘We had one another,? Zella said. ‘I guess we didn’t need anyone else.?
If there were any serious fights, they are long forgotten, although they had occasional ‘arguments.?
‘She tattled on me one day because I stayed up in the bathroom to read a book,? Zella said with a giggle.
In 1968, Zella and Herman found they had a bit more property in Springfield Township than they could handle, so they offered some of it to Zetta and Ivyl).
‘Luckily, they liked the part I didn’t like,? Zella said.
Since then, the bond of neighbors has grown along with the bond of sisters. And it is a continuing source of amusement when they are out together.
‘A lot of times they’ll ask if we’re twins and then they’ll turn around and ask if we’re sisters,? Zella said. ?[Our husbands] think it’s funny when people stare at us.?
They do have their separate interests. Zetta enjoys activities such as quilting and gardening, while Zella has been an active bowler and is a past president of the Oakland County Sportsmen’s Club Auxiliary.
‘She’s more outgoing than I am,? Zetta said.
Aside from those differences, the sisters seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company, and they can’t believe it would be any other way.
‘We’re so much alike,? Zella said. ‘We’re so compatible.?
Zella and Herman have five children and 12 grandchildren, while Zetta and Ivyl have three children and seven grandchildren. There are no twins among them.
‘I was afraid of having a litter,? Zella said.
The sisters are unsure whether they should be considered family experts, and are hesitant to give much advice on family harmony. They are just happy to be sisters and friends.
‘We don’t know how not to get along,? Zetta said. ‘She’s really nice, and I am, too.?

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