Gravlin case on hold, solution outside court sought

A court case between Addison Township and long-time resident Sereal Gravlin over ordinance violations has been put on hold while township attornies look for a solution outside of the courtroom.
“(Our attorney) doesn’t want to make a martyr of Mr. Gravlin,” said Township Supervisor Bob Koski. “They want to give him an opportunity to comply.”
The case began with a citizen complaint filed on May 8 about the condition of Mr. Gravlin’s yard. Addison Township’s ordinance officer found the property to be in violation of Ordinance #87, which refers to having unlicensed vehicles, rubbish and trash littering the property.
“He was notified by the ordinance officer,” said Koski. “He removed the vehicles, but not the trash and rubbish.”
After not complying fully with the ordinance, Mr. Gravlin received a citation from the township with a court date for completion. Again, the Lakeville resident did not comply and the case went to court.
Koski said that during the hearing, Mr. Gravlin asked for a jury trial. The judge presiding over the case explained to Mr. Gravlin that he would have to provide his own representation in such an instance, and that the court would not be approving any requests for a court appointed attorney. Mr. Gravlin then agreed to drop his request for a jury.
The judge left the final decision in Addison Township’s hands for whether or not to pursue the matter further. Koski stated that the township attorney has decided to give Mr. Gravlin one more opportunity to obey the ordinance and clean up his yard. A letter is currently being drafter detailing exactly what needs to be completed by the property owner to be in compliance.
If the property is still found in violation, Koski said the township will proceed with prosecution in the case. The highest penalty Mr. Gravlin could face is a monetary fine.

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