Things that drink Big Jim to the bottle

Just another cynical Jottings — well it won’t all be cynical, just things that are keeping our government running in Washington.
Like: Our congressmen have been especially busy recently making federal rules to protect a bat found in Michigan.
Notice I said ‘a bat?! Not a flock, but ‘A? bat.
* * *
Ham and eggs: A days work for chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.
? Wow! ArtVan advertised a sale that was too big to have for just one day.
? Do you think Warren Buffett and Donald Trump stayed awake for the dropping of the Power Ball?
? Listening to some lawyers telling us ‘we deserve more? suggests they seek another profession.
* Causes me to urge voters to spend a lot more time reading about the candidates.
* * *
The water crises in Michigan brought this profound statement from Hillary Clinton: ‘extremely concerning.? Strong words from a gal who believes she’s entitled to the Oval Office in DC.
She is the perfect reason we should leave space on all ballots to leave a check mark for “None of the above.”
? Just finished some sessions with a doctor who missed all his classes on sympathy, compassion and kindness enroute to his MD degree.
? During my sessions I concluded the mask hides joyous outbreaks.
? Are you as disgusted as I am with initials replacing words. Like no one says American Association for Retired Persons. Those thousands of people calling me should know I’m very alert for scammers.
? I plan to stay alert during my next catheterization so I can watch him or her search for that diminutive entrance.
? Keep me alerted as to exactly how much money went into education and how much went to lobbyists from the recent Power Ball gamble game. Seriously, is this gambling technique the true and honest way to rum our state?
I think I just saw two hands raised.
*Bill Clinton’s wealth: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clinton since 2014 have earned more then $30 million combined in speaking fees and book royalties, according to reports required by the Federal Election Commission.
Those earnings put the Clintons in the top one-tenth of’ one percent of all Americans.
During that period, Mrs. Clinton was unemployed as a political candidate, and Mr. Clinton was unemployed as an ex-president.
? My Number One reason for getting up in the morning is to hear the news.
The worth getting up for news Monday, was to hear about a new lip balm.
Next item: Getting people to substitute fist-bumping with shaking hands
Then came the initial phase: PBA SSI. SSD and BPH.
Those things made me look at a clock to see if I was going to be late getting drunk again.

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