City sets goals for the new year

Clarkston Planning Commission was the first city board to meet in 2016, and they took the opportunity to set some goals for the new year.
Goals include supporting the Master Plan; complete site plan reviews in a timely manner; complete training for all members; bring surface zoning ordinance enforcement issues to the attention of city administration; complete the Master Plan with more recent demographics; and schedule joint meetings with the city council and historic commission.
“Supporting the existing Master Plan is really important,” said Commissioner Frank Schoebel at the Jan. 4 meeting. “Master plan enforcement of the zoning ordinance is something important we should follow up on.”
Surface zoning enforcement includes parking, which was a major issue in 2015.
“We’re not the enforcement arm, as we said during the parking issue,” said Commission member Michael Sabol.
The commission achieved three of four goals in 2015, Sabol said.
Last year’s goals were to support the Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance enforcement; complete site plan reviews in a timely manner; complete draft Zoning Ordinance and forward to City Council for review and approval; and complete training for all members.
The training wasn’t completed because state programs had been put on hold, Sabol said.
“We’re looking into that,” he said. “We’re batting .750. I consider the other item a walk ? we had no choice there.”
The commission voted 4-0 to approve the goals, along with commissioners Elizabeth M. Rogers and Derek Werner. Commissioner Robert Bondy was absent. The planners’ next meeting is Feb. 1 at 7 p.m.
Mayor Protem Eric Haven said one of his goals on City Council is more citizen involvement in Depot Park.
“As chairman of the Friends of Depot Park, a subcommittee of the City Council, I would like to see qualitative enhancements’made in beautiful Depot Park in 2016 ‘by coordinating’the talents’and resources of many who love our community,” Haven said.
Council member Sharron Catallo said she is looking forward to planting new trees in Clarkston because of a grant the city received in 2015.
“As the chairperson of the Tree Committee, I am looking forward to the spring of 2016, to continue the tree plantings started last fall,” Catallo said. “Replacing street trees lost to age and storm damage allows us to keep our tree-lined streets and an atmosphere that represents the well-being of Clarkston.”
City Manager Carol Eberhardt’said administration goals include completing an addition to City Hall, complete a parking study or studies and develop short and long range plans for parking improvements; develop short and long term goals for the improvement of Depot Park and prioritize projects; increase citizen communication with the help of the communications committee leveraging the newly developed website; and completion of the south Depot Park bridge project.

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