Disc dog champs

Leo the border collie is an easy going pup, but take out some frisbee discs and he’s ready to work.
“His whole demeanor changes, he becomes a totally different dog,” said his owner Connie’Passejna of Clarkston. “He’s confident and bold, and ready to do anything you want him to.”
This past summer, Connie’s daughter Allison Passejna won the Skyhoundz World Championship in Freestlye with Leo, and took second with her other dog Midge.
“We got into it together, and now she’s surpassed me,” Connie said. “She has quite the arm.”
“That was really cool ? I was surprised,” said Allison, 12, student at the Academy of the Sacred Heart. “He did really well. Sometimes I messed up on stuff and he wasn’t doing what I wanted him to do, but we just kept going.”
They compete with Disc Dogs of Michigan as a family activity for Allison and sister Evelyn, Connie, and husband Paul.
“Spending time outside with family and the dogs,” Connie said. “It’s an opportunity for Allison and I to do something together. It’s a great community of people who are really supportive.”
Qualifying for’Skyhoundz World in Chattanooga, Tenn., is a huge accomplishment, said Disc Dog supporter Misty Yohannan.
“She saved her own money to go and take her’dogs Leo, ‘Midge, and new puppy Ranger,” Yohannan said. “There were competitors from all over the world, Italy, Belgium,’Canada, Mexico, China, Japan, and the USA. What a huge accomplishment for this young lady who just turned 12 in September.”
Leo is a rescue dog who picked up the sport quickly, Allison said.
“When he was first rescued, he was terrified of everything,” she said. “He’s come a long way. He’s really a fantastic dog.”
This is the off season for disc dogs. Indoor training starts after the holidays. For more info, check http://www.discdogsofmi.com.

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