Crosses illustrate abortion impact

To celebrate the ‘Respect Life? month of October, the new girls? golf team at Everest Collegiate High School had an idea.
‘They approached us with an initiative which we thought could be of great benefit for our school community,? said Maura Plante, director of admissions for Everest Collegiate High School and Academy.?
The team put up a display of 2,000 crosses in front of the school down to the sidewalk on Clarkston Road, from Oct. 28-Nov. 4.
‘These crosses represent half the number of babies aborted each day in America,? Plante said.?
The project illustrated what is normally a statistic, said Clare Nalepa, 11th grader.
‘You hear about abortions, but how many doesn’t really sink in until you see it,? Nalepa said. ‘This is a chance to show people how much impact it actually has.?
‘I didn’t realize how many per day there were,? said Serena Carter, 10th grader.
‘It’s a visual aid,? said Mia Korns, ninth grader.
While the golfers were setting up the display, response from passing motorists were positive.
‘People would honk, and say ‘thank you,?? Nalepa said.
‘And wave,? Korns said.
‘We got a few weird looks, but maybe that was because we were in the pouring rain,? Nalepa said.
The project’s span of time is very fitting, Plante said.
‘It covers All Saints Day, Nov. 1, and All Souls Day, Nov. 2,? she said. ‘These are two feast days in which we remember those who have gone before us, we pray for their eternal rest, and we fix our eyes on the heavenly homeland that awaits us.?
The project reflects the students? belief in the value of human life from conception to natural death, said Regina De Nidris, 10th grader.
They worked hard to put up and maintain the display, said Coach Roberta Smith.
‘It’s amazing ? they put others first,? Smith said.
This is the team’s first year, and hopefully the project will become a tradition, she said.

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