On a beautiful Saturday morning . . .

For me, Saturday mornings have often been the time to turn on a PBS station and watch an Animal Kingdom show.
This past Saturday, fawns and geese were featured. That was perfect for me as I stayed inside and watched fawns wander across the creek to my lot with their mamma, followed by a half dozen geese.
It doesn’t happen very often like that. Usually they are scared away too soon. Also, under a tree on my land were two sandhill cranes.
But this entire week was “Made in Michigan!? as Tim Allen says in his state commercials.
I’ve been satisfied for years at having just a couple names proposed for any election.
The upcoming 2016 election has at least 17 egotistical, self indulgent individuals cramming their names and faces down our throats. At this early date I’m not even trying to remember names.
This has to be a very close race because ain’t nobody going to admit to backing only one of them.
One good thing about this contest, for those who go to the polls, there should be room for more than just one in the booth.
One of the things this election is proving: more and more people are losing respect for our leaders. I see a weakness in character among the candidates, or did I cover that in previous sentences.
What I don’t see are campaigns on honesty, integrity and truths. This may turn out to be campaigns like we’ve had in the past of voting for the best of the worst.
* * *
And the winners will be those who believe “I was born therefore I’m entitled to a trophy, all government handouts, border crossing permits to all countries and financial security that will still cover me after I die.?
I shouldn’t be so cynical.
I know America is the greatest land of all.
I can still wish the promised transparency from our president will happen.
? It’s mandatory for all of us who see doctors, to see them again. I asked one of my MD’s recently if I could still develop muscle in my nighties. He said, ‘Yes, but you still have to exercise.? UGH?
? The big supporters (in political terms) are jock straps in men’s locker rooms.
? When I come back or up, I want to be an owl. Wise, loved, respected, and able to give a Hoot, whenever!

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