Mickey the Poet and the not-so Supremes

Mickey Hiatt and I have been golf buddies, drinking buddies and friends for a whole lot of years. I just ran across some poems he wrote in his Catholic elementary school, after which he broke his pencil, found girls, went in the Army and aged.
This is one of his preteen poems:
‘Today is mine, it belongs to me.
To live the best I can
To shape, to mold, for eternity
A day that is simply grand.?
Nowadays, he orders Scotch.
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TV game shows have gone on without me. I can hardly figure out the categories, They want me to guess some ‘popular? singer who slurs or screams words and gets their name from a pickle jar.
These days the questions come from laboratories, industries and discoveries in outer space.
I ain’t going to know what Pat Sajak and Vanna White are asking about.
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This was such a lovely song, ‘I’ll be with you in apple blossom time, I’ll be with you when you change your name to mine.?
Following the Supreme Court ruling the song words have been changed to: ‘I’ll be with you in apple blossom time, but you don’t have to change your name to mine.?
The Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision will be hailed as not only a win for gays, but a huge win for lawyers. Law schools will be filling with students seeking degrees in this money bonanza the nine justices created in a ruling last week.
Five-to-four decisions may be great in a ball game, but it isn’t great for approving a constitutional amendment.
The disappointment of a lifetime is going on right now. And that is the fall in respect for the U. S. Supreme Court. It has gone from being faithfully, maybe blindly, respected to nearly total disrespect, partly because these justices are reinterpreting words in our constitution.
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I listened carefully to every word President Obama said or read at the eulogy for the minister in South Carolina who was murdered along with eight others in their church by a very bitter man.
It was a black church with several soft spoken aloud praises during Obama’s delivery. I may never listen to another of Obama’s talks, but this one was very fitting for such an occasion.
After he leaves office in 2016 he’ll be inundated with church-type requests to speak, and may earn more than Hillary has in her campaign speeches.
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? Inhale, Jim.
? The only one of your children who does not grow up and move away is your husband.
? Progress is made by lazy men looking for an easier way to do things.

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