Going thru some changes in life

I guess I’m going through the same changes in life that my dad did (and there is absolutely no hint or indication it can be related to Bruce Jenner nor Caitlyn).
My change in life is when it comes to the changes in music.
The big difference to me is that I got accustomed to dad’s music enough to be able to understand the words and neither he nor I will even try to understand the unrecognizable noise, arm waving, yelling, jumping and butt wiggling crap that fills my TV screen and sends me quickly to the mute button.
My father is deceased, but I’m sure I knew him well enough to know his genes are in me.
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? I’ve had two phone calls from the IRS in the past two weeks, which I hung up on immediately. Some friends have had the same call and reacted as I did. Son Jim told me the IRS doesn’t make home calls.
? I’m going to get exposed to asbestos, call Sam, or Jeffery, sit back and watch the money roll in.
? Some recently exposed foods on food channels etc, are just too stomach churning to think about, like Greek Pizza, YUCK!
? The distressed look is in, and I ain’t just talking worn out clothes.
? Can all the mattress advertisers prove their product has been marked down and not up? And each should be required to show us the mark.
? Fleas eat their mom’s poop!
? It’s really difficult keeping up with, or even understanding, many scientific research findings.
Like the recent revelation that our children will have shorter lives than the next generation.
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Governor Snyder’s explanation he gave to the entire legislature: ‘Not every family agrees on everything!?
Sort of makes we voters swell with pride at his explanation of inactivity in Lansing.
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Michigan’s Rainy Day (slush) fund has just been expanded by $95 million, and, of course, Gov. Snyder is expected to sign it.
To me, this non-directed money could be spent on whims of legislators. It’s like the education budget increase. They let us know later the ‘inactivities? it covers.
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Might as well stay negative now that I’m hot. Study out of Washington: 33% of us will not go to a doctor. Too costly.
That many, too, can’t raise $400 for any emergency. I don’t think Obama made that promise, it just happened.
We probably can’t blame Obama for the bees stealing honey from other’s hives, but I do believe he could legislate a penalty of a few months in hives in ghettos.
See, I can be positive at times!

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