Lots of hair for Locks of Love

Arlene Morence of Davisburg faces the winter cold of 2015 without the long hair she had last year, but it’s for a good cause.
Morence, 71, donated about 12 inches of her formerly lengthy tresses to Locks of Love.
“She looks so much better. It took 20 years off,? said her best friend Debbie Misner. “She needs a scarf for her neck now.”
“I found a scarf,” said Morence, who will keep it short for awhile. “It’s a lot easier to take care of, not having to fool with the hair as much. It feels a lot better.”
This was the her first time donating to Locks of Love.
“One of my neighbor’s children had done it,” Misner said. ‘Three weeks ago, I said, ‘you should send it to Locks of Love.??
“I saw something about it on TV so I’ve thought about it before. When Debbie said that, I thought, ‘let’s try it,?” Morence said. “I figured, why let it go to waste? Let someone else use it.?
Morence usually wears her hair long, last having it cut two years ago.
“She had so much hair,” said Misner, who suggested her stylist of seven years, Randolph’s Salon in Clarkston, for the job.
When they learned the hair was going to Locks of Love, they offered to cut the hair for free. Stylists cut off about 12 inches, tied with rubber bands for donation.
Morence was born in Detroit, and has lived in the Clarkston area for about 14 years.
They’ve been friends for years and both attend Mt. Zion Church in Independence Township.
Morence is also an organ donor.
‘If someone can use something I can’t use anymore, they should,? she said.
‘It’s important, the gift of life, Misner said.

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