Big Jim still annoyed by sport announcers

Several years ago I asked in a Jottings, ‘Why do so many tv sports stations have so many people covering a football game and reviewing every activity during every play??
In the beginning, they were said to add ‘color? to a game. Now, there may be three people at microphones in the booth and an anchor woman on the sidelines. There are also people recording every move on the field from their station in New York.
And, there are five or six referees on the playing field.
Yet, even with the addition of all the new people, it is still the booth people who rile me.
When I’m watching a televised game I’m seeing the game and all its movements. I don’t need the booth noise to tell me what I just saw!
Saturday’s Michigan State Spartan game had a boothy guy explaining a call on the field. A flag had been thrown.
The boothy announcer said, ‘Surely that was a face mask foul.? Three replays of the ‘foul? didn’t show it. The refs missed it. After a couple more replays from New York, an announcer conceded, ‘From that angle the refs got it right!?
Are they announcers or speculators?
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I mistakenly saw Hillary Clinton on the tube recently. She was complaining about the too-high cost of higher education. The only thing she missed was saying, ‘When I’m elected, I’ll make higher education affordable for everyone over 18.?
She’s not really thinking of running for president in 2016 is she?
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I overheard son Jim tell someone recently he was 60 years old. That caused some mental reviewing.
I don’t believe it!
Surely he wasn’t born the same year I was?
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Here’s some ‘put down? suggestions, compliments of Milt Francis.
‘If you have a minute to spare, tell me all you know.”
‘Think! It may be a new experience!?
‘I’m not hard of hearing, I’m ignoring you.?
‘Use your head, it’s the little things that counts.?
‘You should go far, and I hope soon.?
In case you haven’t heard, Milt is president of Oxford Has-Been Club. He can’t get over Oxford TV making a show of my life on Ch 99.

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