Evaluations for superintendent, school board

Clarkston School Board’s evaluations of the superintendent and itself are set for the end of the year, after the election in November.
“It’s been a year (since the last superintendent evaluation),” said board Vice President Susan Boatman at Monday’s meeting. “A year is long enough to give some feedback.”
The board invited school attorney George Butler and consultant Joan Sergent of Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB) to their Sept. 22 meeting to help with the discussion.
Butler said state law requires evaluation of the superintendent at least once a year, but does not specify when.
Superintendent Dr. Rod Rock’s last evaluation was in December 2013. The board previously discussed having it in June, but concerns about reevaluating so soon pushed the date back. Board Trustee Steve Hyer favored scheduling the next evaluation in June 2015.
“We haven’t agreed about what data to be used,” Hyer said. “I’m in favor of sitting down and establishing what his goals are ? agreeing what they are as a board and superintendent team.”
Trustee Cheryl McGinnis agreed the board should take its time.
“I think this is an opportunity to get this right,” McGinnis said.
Treasurer Joan Patterson said it would be a mistake to put it off.
“I look at this as a work in progress, talking to the supintendent about expectations and what they mean,” Patterson said.
The board is using an MASB evaluation template to evaluate the superintendent. Sergent said state law regarding superintendent evaluation will likely change soon.
Self evaluation by the board was set for December, after the November election. Mary Kerwin, a consultant with MASB, will serve as facilitator for the meeting retreat.

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