More time for national focus in retirement

I’ve been a publisher of four Oakland County community weekly newspapers for a few decades.
As such, I’ve devoted years of my life to happenings in these communities.
However, I, and our readers, like to stay somewhat informed of happenings throughout Michigan, the United States and the world.
To divert my thinking from what’s going on in Washington, Lansing, Middle East, Central America and elsewhere, I’ve taken to reading religious works, humorous stuff from Will Rogers and thoughtful stuff from Norman Vincent Peale.
For the last several years, my work at our publishing company has decreased, giving me time to keep aware of things going on outside my four-paper area. My news-reading vacancy included the two Bushes and Clinton eras. Nothing they did brings to my mind anything memorable.
Enter the era of our first black president and two elections, where he often repeated, “I have a pen and a phone, and I will use my presidential powers, to do whatever I believe is best for this country.”
President Obama was a constitutional professor, so he has to know what that document says.
Prior to his election, President George W. Bush opened our southern borders to just about anyone who wanted to come north.
Perhaps the main responsibility of our presidents is to control our borders. It’s become obvious open borders have not been great for America.
We’ve gone several years now with borders allowing legals and illegals, to come here for we U. S. citizens to feed, house and pay. And, Obama orders we citizens to educate these new legals and illegals.
I’d like to ask President Obama to use his executive powers to reverse George W. Bush’s ruling, and protect our borders, allowing only those who qualify to become citizens of the United States of America.
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Another granddaughter is off to college this week.
Savannah Speed is starting at Michigan State University. Chemistry is her goal.
I’m going to get her to tell me how that’s going to lead into journalism.
She told me her new roomy is taking classes in “Women’s Studies.”
Savannah has to get back to me on what exactly that is.
I also want to know if there are any male students in the class.
I’d also like to know the collegiate head who has listed the topics in “Women’s Studies.” If it’s studying women, I believe it’ll take a lot more than four years to complete.
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Another deviation for me from front page and tv news is my interest in sports. The Tigers, Lions and Red Wings demand my support!
I can’t stay up for most of the games, but I’m anxious in the mornings for scores, highlights and standings.
And, though I can’t play golf any more, I have enough interest in it that I often prefer watching it over talking political heads.

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