Life’s joys come from a well-maintained lawn

It’s amazing to me how the makers of lawn keeping tools, fertilizers and seeds constantly aim their messages toward people who detest yard work.
Like: “Use our products and have more time to enjoy life!”
The picture that follows is of man sitting on his duff in a lounge chair in his yard.
First off, the scene is a fake, just like their message. No keeper of lawns leaves a lounge chair in his yard to mow around or run over.
More importantly, we men love having neat lawns, and it ain’t work keeping our lawns neat.
It’s a man’s joy of life.
Lawns get men out of the house. Lawns are gifts we give ourselves. Lawns extend man’s life. Lawns give men more opportunities to buy rideable tools.
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I stayed a Detroit Tiger baseball fan while they dropped from a I0-game lead in their division to second place. So I spent a lot of time trying out the problem.
Much of my focus was on management. Like how come we fans never get to see general manager Dombrowski or manager Ausmus out fighting for wins?
Their lack of physical presence, I think affected the team, like Cabrera striking out more often, fielders committing more errors and base runners losing a step or two. My conclusion was the Tigers had lost some enthusiasm, leadership was not being shown, and the dugout was becoming more and more placid.
Then one day my thoughts were intercepted by management. On that day I turned on the Tiger game and the first shot was of Dombrowski in place to observe the game.
Then a camera switched to Ausmus visibly showing some interest in the game. Those two obviously sparked some spirit, interest and stimulated the players in their pregame meeting.
Of course I take all the credit for sending my brain waves to Tiger Stadium — I mean Comerica Park — and getting them back to their winning ways.
No “thanks” are necessary. It’s what I do.
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Now for a little Will Rogers.
? Best doctor in the world is the veterinarian. He can’t ask his patients what’s matter, he’s just got to know.
? If you ever injected truth into politics, you’d have no politics.
? Sometimes it makes you think you don’t need a different man as much as we need different advisors for the same man.
* * *
? Considering how far Obama has fallen in the polls, I wonder if he’s gone back to Rev Wright, his pastor in his Chicago days? He was seen on television saying, “God Bless America? No, God damn America.? Word is The Rev. was given several thousand dollars to keep out of sight.
? I think investigators should hire someone like that Mentalist tv guy who reads facial and body expressions to get to the truth. Oops! There goes Congress and the Administration.

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