
? It’s taken me a lot of my lifetime to acknowledge it’s much more important to have and keep friends, than to move conversation topics into politics and religion where I know from the start we don’t agree.
We’ve been good friends of Tom and Irene for a few decades. I’ll admit it might help our relationship because they spend half of every year in the California desert, while I spend that same time in the ice, snow and envy in Michigan.
? Another thing that’s happening in my aging process is more people are telling me they love me. I have noticed, too, there is no eye contact during that remark.
? It’s been very tough for me having to give up golf since my hip surgery. I was born into golf. My father was involved building the first golf course in Kalamazoo. If I’d take the time, I’d probably find his old golf clubs in my basement. I’d give them to our grandchildren, but they have to have ‘the latest? of everything.
? Pay attention while I tell you how upset, discouraged and bored I’ve become watching the nightly news lately. Ain’t nothin’ new, just repeat and repeat. It was so bad Sunday night I switched to a rerun of country music’s “Hey Haw.” Roy Clark is a whole lot better than Cavuto and O’Reilly.
? It was reported on the tube recently that Jackie Kennedy accepted $1 million to not divorce JFK. I think he got to continue his trysts with Marilyn Monroe.
? If I were to pledge $19 a month for the rest of my life, would the charity promise to tell me how much of that goes to management each month and how much goes to help?
? O-O-O-bama. He’s gotten more descriptive, unflattering names attached to him in the last few weeks than anyone in my memory. Here’s a few: incompetent, incredulous, untruthful. Then, “I make no apologies” far my prisoner swap decision or not consulting Congress.
(One more and I’ll get off this rant.)
In these decisions wasn’t there six not five, Talibans released? Five by Obama plus that converter-deserter Islamist?
? Maybe I should stick to working crossword puzzles.
* * *
I swear I heard California Chrome’s owner yell, “I’m not a poor loser!” following his horse’s loss at Belmont. He accused all the other horse owners of plotting against his horse. I was shocked!
Everybody knows these gambling owners and horse racing fans are red, white and blue true. Plot to win? Unheard of.
* * *
Stay true blue. Laugh often, love much, appreciate beauty, be happy, stay happy, find the best in others, and have no anxiety for tomorrow.

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