Top Scholars honored for hard work at high school

Clarkston High School’s Senior Scholars have big plans this fall.
The 25 graduates, selected based on grade point average, course load, and service, will be studying, working, and making a difference “from sea to shining sea,” said Superintendent Dr. Rod Rock at Clarkston State Bank’s annual Senior Scholar Breakfast, May 28.
“Something I see in the students here is grit, a determination to succeed,” said high school Principal Gary Kaul at the Deer Lake Athletic Club breakfast. “Grit can be fun, working with like-minded peers with the support of your parents.”
The graduates’ plans for college, as well as 10 years down the line, include:
Manny Alalouf, Michigan State University to study political science and finance, with a minor in computer science, and a career in business or politics;
Grace Anderson, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, to study international relations;
Alexa Baylis, Michigan State University to study engineering, play tennis, and maybe earn an MBA;
Haley Ferer, Michigan State University to study packaging and environmental sustainability to serve the planet;
Morgan Geisler is planning for something with science;
Rebecca Gorz, Michigan State University, chemical engineering, and possibly earning a PH.D.;
Robert Hall, Michigan State University, biochemistry and earning a doctorate of some sort;
Kristen Hetzel, Michigan State University, prelaw;
Shelby Hopper, Kalamazoo College, international studies, with plans to live and work in Germany;
Wyatt Jones, University of Michigan, business, with plans to start his own business using cryptocurrency;
Sean McNeil, Georgia Tech, electrical engineering, with a career in the defense industry working on robotics;
Taylor Merriman, Baker College, computer aided design;
Sonam Patel, Michigan State University, biology, health related field;
Benjamin Pawlowski, Michigan State University, biochemistry, pre med with plans to become a physician;
Kevin Peart, University of Michigan, electrical engineering with career plans in space exploration, including possibly a mission to Mars;
Kristen Raue, University of Michigan, biology, chemistry, pre med to become an orthopedic surgeon;
Darian Razdar, University of Michigan, anthropology;
Rebecca Rogers, Barry University, Florida, international studies, business;
Emily Ross, Asbury University, Kentucky, pediatrician;
Mason Van Gieson, University of Michigan to study history and women’s studies as well as a career in the performing arts;
Natalie Vela, Hope College, Holland, to study biology, Spanish, and medicine to become a doctor on medical mission trips to Latin America;
Colin Walsh is heading to Canada to play hockey, or Oakland University to study chemical engineering if that doesn’t work out;
Matthew Winkler, University of Michigan, biomolecular science, pediatric oncologist; and
Evan Wolfert, Kettering University, with plans to build robots for the military.
Senior scholars Jessica Beeman, Amber Bush, Matthew Dahl, Kristijan Dokic, Evan Herdman, Jr., and Chloe McCowan were unable to attend the breakfast.

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