Kids come through for Army food bank

Military families in need will have a bountiful Thanksgiving thanks for Clarkston Junior High students.
“The kids did really well,” said Christine Rogers, history teacher and Academic Service Learning district secondary coordinator. “They were relentless. They pushed and pushed, and collected $1,000 in donations and about 5,500 items, good quality stuff.”
The Operation Homefront food drive helps the 919th Army Reserve Transportation Company’s food pantry in Saginaw.
“The kids are cool, energetic and enthusiastic,” said SFC Yeartie, who helped organize the drive and stopped by the school, Nov. 14, to pick up the donations.
The food drive, in its second year, provides about 85 percent of donations for the pantry, Yeartie said.
“Clarkston is a very giving community,” Rogers said. “Every year, they impress and surprise me. The kids are very dedicated.”
Private Jeff Singles, who was also on hand to help, is a Clarkston graduate.
“It’s surreal ? I feel so much older,” said Singles, who graduated from Clarkston High School last June and went to Army Basic Training in July. “They ask me what it was like when I was here, but it was only four years ago.”
The private wasn’t in town for long ? he was preparing to ship out for duty in Korea.
“I’m looking forward to my next adventure,” he said.
Operation Homefront serves families in need of financial assistance, emergency food, home and appliance repair, and other help.
For more information, visit

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