Village manor crime spree ends in two arrests

Two men have been arraigned in district court after confessing to a crime spree at the Village Manor Apartments on Crawford St. on Saturday, July 28.
Nicholas Dissmore, 24, of Oxford, and Anthony Puckett, 19, of Clarkston, were each arraigned in Rochester Hills 52-3 District Court on three counts of larceny from a motor vehicle, one count of breaking and entering from a vehicle with damage, and one count of breaking and entering from a vehicle to steal property more than $1,000 but less than $2,000. They are both being held in lieu of $10,000 bonds.
The case began when Oxford Patrolman Thad Lambiris received a call from the apartments for a theft from a motor vehicle. Upon arriving at the scene, Lambris met with a resident who said that the back window of his 1993 Jeep Wrangler had been slashed and his car jack stolen. The Village Manor resident told the officer he found his rear box style speakers sitting on the ground next to the vehicle.
After taking the report, a second resident approached Lambris and stated that a Cobra radar detector had been stolen from his 1993 Ford Ranger. Following this report, the Oxford officer received yet another call from the apartments. He met with the owner of a 1997 Jeep Wrangler who stated that a Clarion car stereo, Sherwood amplifier, two Kenwood woofers and a pair of Revo sunglasses had been stolen from the vehicle.
And still another report came over the radio. Before returning to regular patrol, Lambris spoke with a resident who stated that a green and white bowling bag with one ball, 15 music CDs and a flashlight had been stolen from her 1999 Pontiac Grand Am. Later in the investigation, a fifth victim contacted police stating that a Pioneer stereo and work pouch with tools had been stolen from his Jeep Wrangler.
After taking the larceny reports, Lambiris returned to patrol. At one point he went with Oakland County Sheriff Deputy Jeff Gerols to conduct a crime prevention patrol of Scripter Park after several witnesses reported illegal activity. Upon arriving at the park, Lambris and the deputy encountered four males standing behind a 1990 Ford Escort with the trunk open.
Lambris contacted the subjects and learned that two of the men were looking at stuff in the trunk to buy. The Oxford officer instructed Nicholas Dissmore to open the trunk, at which point he observed numerous audio components such as car stereos, amplifiers and receivers. In addition, Lambris saw a bowling bag fitting the description of the one stolen from the Village Manor Apartments.
Through extensive questioning, Lambiris eventually learned that both men had been involved in the vehicle robberies on Crawford St. He also discovered that the men had broken into vehicles in both Rochester Hills and Troy, and that several of the items were stored in a Rochester Hills apartment.
Lambris arrested the men, confiscated their vehicle and the evidence, and had Dissmore take him to the Rochester Hills apartment.
‘This has been a pretty time consuming case,? said Lambiris, who has been categorizing and organizing evidence since the case began. On Tuesday, July 1, he was still sorting through material.
The Village Manor residents came in and identified that all of their belongings had been found, except for the sunglasses. Lambiris said there is a chance those may not have been stolen, and one of the suspects stated they did not take them.
‘And the one suspect has been very good at helping us place items with the vehicle they came from,? he explained. The stolen items are currently being held as evidence and will not be returned to their owners until the court cases are complete. Lambiris expects the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department will be filing charges against the two men for the Rochester Hills and Troy thefts; however, at the time of printing nothing had been listed.

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