6 vie for 2 school board seats

Once again it is time to elect those individuals that will help to shape the future leaders of this country – once again it is time to vote for school board members.
Oxford Area Community Schools have two seats up for election this year – a 4-year term currently held by Ron Mutch, and a 2-year term previously held by Steve Dracos and currently filled by Jamie Fleming.
There are five individuals running for the two seats. Seeking the 2-year term are Anthony Giannola and Rob Guzanek. Seeking the 4-year term are Doug Myer, Jamie Fleming and Gary Skelton.
Following are just a few brief statements from each school board candidate:
Running for the 2-year seat:
Anthony Giannola
Anthony Giannola, 39, moved to Oxford 10 years ago with his wife Nora. The couple has four children – Kyle, Vito, Martin and Isabella – and live on Oak Court in Great Pines Estates.
A construction superintendent in West Bloomfield, Giannola also has experience in developing property and building homes. In fact, he feels his background would be a strong asset to the two biggest issues he currently sees facing the district: completing the bond issue and managing the budget.
‘I really want to help oversee the bond issue to it’s completion,? he added. ‘I helped to head the bond issue committee and am excited to watch this move forward.?
When considering the budget, Giannola said he can see how lucky the schools really have been when compared with other districts, and he credits that to the administration; however, he can also see how emotional and hard the topic can be.
‘I don’t believe in targeting any one specific area,? he explained. ‘I prefer to see cuts made across the board.?
In addition to his background, Giannola said his next best qualification is his common sense. He believes in working hard at solving a problem and then working hard at making the solution happen.
‘I feel I have a tremendous amount of common sense and can see past the emotional content of an issue,? he stated.
Giannola added that he is running for the 2-year seat because he feels it’s a good way to serve the community while fitting in the other aspects of his life.
‘I think that I’ll be a very good team member for the school board and administration,? he said. ‘I can work towards a common goal, listen to all the information and make a rational decision.?
Robert Guzanek
Robert Guzanek lives in the Leonard School district and has two elementary aged daughters, one of whom utilizes educational services. He is actively involved as an adult volunteer in Oxford Cub Scouts Pack 44 and is an assistant baseball coach for the Oxford Recreational Baseball Association.
Guzanek stated that he wants to be on school board in order to help the district be a leader in reforming educational processes as the schools prepare area children for the technology-rich world.
‘I believe I can bring a solid business perspective to our current school board,? said Guzanek. ‘Because of my diversified background in corporate training, purchasing, product planning, strategy and marketing I can positively influence the board’s overall activities.?
Just a few of the topics Guzanek feels are important include the current reduction in state funding and district-wide budget cuts, the student growth within the area and district curriculum.
When considering budget cuts, he believes the school board should always trim areas that do not directly support student education, while ensuring that the teaching staff and students are valued and supported.
‘First and foremost, administrative salaries and associated perks should be reduced or eliminated,? he stated. ‘In addition, all activities that do not directly support student education should be scrutinized and restructured as necessary.?
District growth and area demographics have been a major concern for the parent of two, whose students were recently affected by the area attendance adjustments. Guzanek feels that the district needs to take steps with local governments so that development and planning can be done carefully and thoughtfully.
‘A school district should not be in the position to ‘deal with? projections,? he explained. ‘Instead, they should be actively involved with the village and township planners to proactively plan for projected growth.?
Guzanek had one thing to emphasize when considering curriculum – technology, technology, technology.
‘Students at all grade levels should be utilizing technology daily as an integrated aid in their learning,? he said. ‘Occasional computer lab usage and earned computer time is not enough. We must prepare our students for earning a living in a world that is technology driven.?
Overall, Guzanek sees being a board member as representing the community while helping to guide the administrative team in the decision making process.
‘It’s imperative that the board be comprised of community members with diverse professional and educational experiences,? he explained. ‘Board members should challenge and question processes or policies that impede students? learning or impact taxpayer dollars.?

Running for the 4-year seat:
Doug Myer
Doug Myer, 47, has lived in the Oxford area since 1987. A superintendent with P.K. Contracting in Troy, Myer lives on Drahner Circle with his wife Theresa and their three children Charlie, Aileen and Mikey.
Myer said he is qualified in many ways to be on the school board: he has helped to implement several youth and sports programs; he is president of the Mid-Michigan Youth Wrestling Association, which he helped found; he was named the Oxford Adult Youth Volunteer by the Oxford Area Chamber of Commerce; he understands how to work with people and bring things in on time and at a specific cost; and he is an open-minded, people person.
‘I truly enjoy being involved with the kids in every aspect,? he stated.
Myer added that he wants to help address several important issues in the district at the moment including redistricting, completing the new high and middle schools, moving the curriculum forward and planning for the growth in the area.
‘I want to help with the direction the school district is going in for the ultimate benefit of the kids,? he added.
Myer said he is known for his determination and open mind. He likes people to realize that he doesn’t have hidden agendas.
‘I’m the kind of person with a backbone who will listen to everyone and then make the best choice based on the needs of the kids and the district,? he stated.
‘Like my signs say, ‘It’s all about the kids.??

Jamie Fleming
Jamie Fleming, 40, is the only candidate who currently holds a seat on the school board – she was appointed to the remainder of Steve Dracos? term in March.
Fleming lives on Southshore Drive in the Waterstone development with her husband Lee and their three children. She holds a degree in technology, but is currently able to stay at home and raise her youngest.
When asked her qualifications for schools board, Fleming lists the many positions she has held in the district on PTO boards, the Headlee Override committee and the district bond issue committee. She also says her background plays an important part since she has family in public education, three children in the school system, a strong understanding of technology issues and owns a business with her husband in the community.
Her strongest asset though is her experience.
‘I have a wealth of knowledge and experience within the district already because of my work with the PTO and the different committees,? she explained. ‘That’s a valuable asset to the community.?
Currently, the most important issue to her is the district budget, and helping the district to grow with less money.
‘All the information from the state we’ve gotten, I think we’re going to have to make more cuts,? she said.
Fleming decided to run for the 4-year seat instead of the remainder of Dracos? term because she feels that she needs more time on the board to learn everything and be able to make a difference.
‘There is a very big learning curve that I don’t think people realize,? she said. ‘I didn’t feel I could have as large of an impact in just two years.?

Gary Skelton
Gary Skelton, 43, is a 1978 Oxford High School graduate. After living and working elsewhere for a while, he returned to the Oxford area 13 years ago with his wife Michelle. The couple lives on N. Oxford Rd. with their daughters Sarah and Melissa.
Skelton works in trademark licensing with Equity Management Inc. in Troy. He said his management background and business degree, in addition to his history in Oxford, are his biggest qualifications for school board.
‘I know the school system,? he explained. ‘I’ve been around the district and the town most of my life.?
Skelton said he wants to be on school board because he has a desire to keep and improve the quality off education in the district despite budget difficulties.
Other issues he feels are important include the completion of the school building additions and moving the middle school and high school into their new homes; the cutbacks need with in the budget; any future redistricting; and the tremendous growth in the area.
Skelton said he chose to run for the 4-year seat because he knew he needed to make a full commitment.
‘If I was going to jump on board, I was going to jump on board full steam,? he said.
Skelton describes himself as someone who doesn’t follow the status quo. He knows he would consider all the facts and options in every situation and then draw the best conclusion he can.
‘I’m a direct person who would consider all possibilities.?
Election Info
This year’s school board election polls will be held at the following locations:
Precinct One, which includes Oxford, Brandon and Metamora Townships, will vote at Oxford Elementary School, located at 109 Pontiac Street.
Precinct Two, which includes Addison and Dryden Townships, will vote at Leonard Elementary School, located at 335 Elmwood Street in the village of Leonard.
Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Each precinct will have a list of voters, so those registered will simply need to sign in upon arrival.

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