Plumber offers personal service

Chris Heslip, master plumber and owner of Clarkston Plumbing and Boilers, offers complete, reliable service to his hometown.
“I’m focusing on Clarkston ? all services in this area,” said Heslip, who is licensed and insured. “I like the area. It’s a great town. I shop for supplies locally to help keep it going.”
He started working as a builder in new construction when he was 18 years old.
“That led into repair and service work,” he said.
He has been a plumber for the last 15 years, and just recently opened his own business.
“It got to to the point where I wanted to be out on my own,” he said.
His vision is to have a good company with quality service.
“I’m very available and very prompt,” he said. “I’m a one-man show with simple, affordable prices.”
With three mechanical licenses and state certification, he does all plumbing repairs, boiler repair and replacement, state certified back flow testing, as well as work with water softeners, iron filters, water heaters, and humidifiers.
His plan is to build the company but still maintain the personal service of a small company. He offers discounts for seniors and veterans.
“I have family in the military,” he said. “I appreciate what they and seniors have done, and do what I can to help.”
Call 248-394-9000 for more information.

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