Coach needed

Clarkston Chiefs’ Varsity football team needs a head coach. If they don’t find one, the team’s season may be canceled.
“We’re struggling to find a volunteer to step up,” said Scott Bailey, Clarkston Chiefs Football Board president.
Clarkston Chiefs includes seven teams: three freshmen, three junior varsity, and one varsity. All seven head coaches had been selected through a selection process at the beginning of the year, with interviews by a selection panel.
“We did all that ? all seven coaches were lined up,” Bailey said. “But the varsity head coach notified us would not be able to fulfill duties ? that put us in a very bad situation.”
The varsity team has 30 players signed up, most playing for the past 4-5 years.
“We’re working to make sure the kids play another exciting year,” he said.
Many coaches played football at high school and college level. Candidates need to know the game and be able to manage a group of kids, he said.
“It’s not flag football ? it’s an intense football program,” Bailey said. “The head coach is the manager of the team, the guy in charge.”
Assistant coaches are in place to help the new coach, he said.
“Most important, the kids come first,” he said. “Winning is important, but we put teaching fundamentals of football and sportsmanship above that.”
The season starts Aug. 1.
“I figure we need a coach by the end of June ? beyond that, we’d have to cancel the varsity program,” he said.
Clarkston Chiefs, part of the Northern Youth Football League, has been around for 42 years and is entirely volunteer.
For more information, call Bailey at 248-431-3387 or email

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