Walking the walk

Good Friday holds a special place on Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church’s calendar. The church commemorates the Friday before Easter, in the Christian faith the day Christ was crucified, with an annual Cross Walk through downtown Clarkston.
“It’s a great way to experience the story of Jesus walking through Jerusalem ? it brings a cool reality to it,” said Pam Stapula, youth director at Calvary Evangelical.
“You feel the weight and the wood, and experience what it might have been like.”
The Cross Walk has been a tradition for more than 10 years. This year’s walk went relatively quickly because of the cold temperature, Stapula said.
Congregation members carried the cross, made of solid, four-by-four pieces of wood, from Dixie Highway up Main Street to their church on Bluegrass Drive.
Then they took turns holding it during their 7 p.m. worship service, March 21.
“Anyone could take a turn,” Stapula said.
The Cross Walk symbolizes Christ’s journey to Calvary, the site of his crucifixion, she said.
? Phil Custodio

Marty Zimmerman of Independence Township is a top leadership consultant, motivational speaker, and author, but he wasn’t always that successful.
He learned the lessons he teaches the hard way, falling victim to corporate downsizing five years ago.
“I watched people go to work and go to school, then watched them all come back,” said Zimmerman, 52. “I had all the time in the world.”
He used that time to gather thoughts together for his first book, “In Their Presence: Best Practices and Stories of Role Models.”
“I had no excuse not to write the book,” he said. “It answered a need I had, to focus on something ? it kept my sanity, a renewed sense of purpose. It was a bridge to the business I do now.”
Friends and neighbors in the community offered their support as well. Penny Shanks of Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce offered encouragement, and Dan Fife, Clarkston High School athletic director, was the first person to buy his book.
His life experiences also include attending a seminary to become a priest, graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy, and serving 22 years in the Marine Corps.
His service in the Marines included recruiting in Detroit from 1982-1985. After leaving the Corps, he went to work for his former commanding officer, Sam Klein, during which he developed his 360 Feedback coaching service. He taught leaders how to receive feedback from managers, clients, peers,
“That’s how I started what I do now,” he said.
He moved to Independence Township from Farmington Hills in 1989 with his family, wife Luanne, and children Ingrid and Ciri.
“We were looking around for where to live and someone I worked with suggested Clarkston,” he said. “I love the area. Everyone lives here for the same reasons ? proximity to everything Detroit has to offer, the countryside. It’s a very caring community.”
An opportunity to contribute to the book “Speaking of Success” emerged from his speaking experiences, including paid, keynote addresses in California, Nevada, Minnesota, Tennessee, and throughout Michigan.
“In addition, I had the privilege to speak at over 100 Rotary and Optimist clubs throughout the eastern U.S. the two years following release of my first book,” he said.
He is writing a third book, “Best of the Best,” set for February.
“I don’t expect to get rich from my books,” he said. “They’re there to support the message ? help people take something concrete away.”
His advice for new authors: “Think in terms of what you can do, first. Disregard thoughts of what you can’t do. Turn thoughts of what you can’t do into thoughts of what you can do.”
The Serenity Prayer ? “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference” ? wraps up this philosophy well, he said.
A book signing and meet-the-author event is set for 6:30-8 p.m., Jan. 15, at Springfield Township Library. He is also set to speak on “Speaking of Success” for Lake Orion Sunrise Rotary Club at CJ’s Cafe, Lake Orion, 7:15-8:30 a.m., Thursday, March 13.
For more information, call 248-895-0016 or check www.intheirpresence.com.

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