New TV for Maxx contest winners

Renewing their contract at Maxx Self Storage, Shellie Stuetzer wanted to know if Marty Stuetzer signed up for an in-store contest.
No, he responded.
“I never win anything,” he told her.
He filled one out anyway, and the Springfield Township couple won, picking up a new flat screen Sony television, Sept. 9.
“I didn’t even know he put in for it. I’m still shocked ? it’s awesome,” Shellie said. “Our other TV just quit.”
“This is perfect timing,” Marty said.
The contest was to celebrate completion of the Springfield Township business’ Phase II expansion project.
“We wanted something we hoped would get a lot of use,” said Larry Smith, co-owner. “It’s nice to see someone who’s been with us for a long time win.”
For more information, call Maxx Self Storage, 8483 Andersonville Road, at 248-620-0101.

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