New reporter reports for duty

OK, so who is this guy and what is he going to do to our wonderful community newspaper?
Fair questions. To answer them, however, I will have to violate the journalistic principle that says I should minimize the number of times I use “I” in this column.
For those to whom education is important, I have a bachelor’s degree from William Tyndale College and a master’s degree from Wheaton College.
For those to whom experience is important, I’m coming up on about 20 years in newspaper work. Most recent was the editor’s chair at The Citizen (another Sherman Publications Inc. newspaper), then there was 10 years as editor of The Davison Index.
For those to whom local identity is important, I grew up in the Lake Orion area, had some good contacts in Clarkston during my Scouting years, worked for a short time in Hadley a number of years ago, and lived in Davison for about 13 years.
Little of the above tells you about “the real me,” so I’ll try to dig a little deeper:
I am, first, a disciple of Jesus Christ. While some may accuse me of wearing my religion on my sleeve, I think it’s more accurate to say that my faith permeates my entire being. Everyone, after all, bases his or her life on some kind of belief system, so I bear no shame in sharing (and attempting to live) mine.
I am also happily married to Nancy, whose patience and tolerance for my numerous foibles and faults continue to amaze me.
We also have a cat, Cookie. On a number of occasions, Cookie has written my column for me, and I’ve found it a bit disturbing to find that a number of readers appeared to enjoy her writing more than mine?
I may from time to time mention other personal interests, including volunteer work for the American Red Cross and a continuing interest (although diminished expertise) in instrumental music.
As a journalist, I strive for fairness and accuracy always. I believe pure human objectivity is a myth, which makes the previous attributes even more important. That doesn’t mean I won’t make mistakes, and even if I don’t make mistakes I can’t promise everyone will be happy with what I do. But I will promise my best efforts.
I am passionate about community newspapers, and I welcome the opportunity to make a contribution to the community covered by The Clarkston News.
While it is disturbing that people don’t seem to read as much these days, it is encouraging that there is plenty of news to report. I can be both a cheerleader and a critic, and will encourage readers to do likewise as circumstances warrant.
Having well exceeded the quota of “I’s,” it’s time to get back to “you.” I’m looking forward to writing stories that will serve you and the community. See you around town. . .

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