Spray park to honor former camp counselor

A warm sunny day with kids splashing in a spray park is a great way to honor the memory of former day camp counselor Renee Przybylski, according to those who knew her.
“If you can imagine the most sweetest, happiest person, that was Renee,” said Kelly Arcello, Independence Township recreation programmer and a former classmate of Przybylski, who died from leukemia in December 2001.
Mike Turk, township parks and recreation director, echoed those sentiments in his first presentation to the township board last month. He described a meeting with Ralph and Michele Przybylski, Renee’s parents, who approached Turk with a donation intended to benefit the day camp program at Clintonwood Park.
“We talked about how Renee would come home and tell stories about camp and the kids, and about how she would often make makeshift Slip-N-Slides out of tarps for the kids to run and slide on,” Turk said. “I knew Renee personally and she was an inspiration.”
Arcello said her friend had a skill for building relationships with children from diverse backgrounds.
“She would always connect with the kids,” Arcello said. “She was a good role model.”
Officials said the spray park will benefit not only the day camp program, but the general public as well.
“It’s a perfect fit for Clintonwood Park,” Arcello said.
The fund-raising committee includes former classmates, teachers and people who had Przybylski as a day camp counselor, and planned fund-raising activities represent that varied background. The Clarkston High School baseball team will organize a fund-raiser, for example, a golf outing is planned, and those wishing to help the spray park may “buy” paver bricks, benches or trees.
Donations for the spray park may be sent to the parks and recreation office at 90 N. Main St., PO Box 69, Clarkston, MI 48347. Those with questions on the project may call (248) 625-8223.

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