Lots of good people here, but. . .

Random, arbitrary and otherwise miscellaneous ramblings from your friendly, neighborhood editor. . .

Don’t want to make this a theme of the column, but in recent weeks we’ve observed more examples of why we can’t be complacent about our “nice” community.
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For example, we understand that a student at Brandon Fletcher Intermediate School was on the receiving end of taunting from another child because he failed to make the honor roll.
Problem is. . .he did make the honor roll but was omitted from the list submitted by school officials. Let’s hope the rude kid got to eat some crow when the corrected version was published.
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Meanwhile, over in “peaceful” Groveland Township, we have another example of how people who moved to the country to do whatever they want have caused conflict with people who moved to the country so they can enjoy the peace and beauty.
It’s hardly peace and beauty when you hear rude, inconsiderate comments from these “nice, country folks.”
At one recent meeting, contracted planner Chuck Cairns was trying to explain some of the legalities of the proposed off-street parking ordinance when someone from the office called out, “You live in the city, don’t you?”
At a previous meeting on the same subject, someone made a crack that people who wanted the ordinance should “move back to the city.” That motivated someone to say that the people causing the eyesores should “move back to Appalachia.”
And they say we’re making progress in the fight against prejudice.
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Some of us who don’t observe Lent want to know: Where do you get day-old Paczki?
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You’re slipping, folks! Just as we were basking in the pride of finally getting the “Those In Charge” section updated, we found that we had listed Genesee County Commissioner Miles Gadola twice. . .and nobody called in to complain!
Well, we’ve fixed that. Now the challenge is to find a layout that doesn’t shrink the print to such a small size
We, along with many residents of Hadley, will be glad when the new township hall is completed so we can publish an official phone number.
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So. . .whad’ya think of the snow? It was fun to talk to senior citizens who have some perspective on the whole thing.
Sure, it’s been cold, but where’s the “news?” We learned long ago that we can’t be sure of spring until the Detroit Tigers have at least a couple games snowed out?
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Here’s an old one to bring a warm smile to the cold winter.
A couple of Hollywood producers were talking about their theatrical dreams. One said he’d love to produce a major biblical epic.
“A biblical epic?” scoffed the other producer. “You don’t know anything about the Bible. I’ll bet $50 you don’t even know the Lord’s Prayer.”
“Oh, yeah,” retorted the first producer, folding his hands. “Now I lay me down to sleep. . .”
The first producer sighed, pulled out $50 from his pocket and said, “OK, you win. I never thought someone like you would know so much about the Bible.”

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