Try ‘coffee house theology

BRANDON TOWNSHIP – Dave Gerber loves to preach, but he also loves to just talk.
The pastor of Lake Louise Church of the Nazarene knows some people are curious about spiritual things, but are not comfortable in a traditional church setting. Therefore, he will launch “coffee house theology” meetings at 6 p.m. Sunday, March 8.
Although the meetings will be in the church building, it will be in an upstairs room, not the sanctuary. He plans to use round tables, serve coffee and snacks, and use contemporary worship music to set a casual atmosphere.
“I want to make God accessible to people who wouldn’t normally go to church because it’s too churchy,” he said.
It’s not a new idea. Gerber conducted a similar series at the Starbuck’s in Oxford for about a year. With no similar business in the immediate area, he opted to try it in his church building.
While the meetings will have elements of worship, with music and a “non-threatening prayer,” Gerber said he really looks forward to offering a question and answer session, where people can be honest about their feelings about God, the world and the fight against evil.
“There’s not a question that hasn’t been asked before,” he said, and he wants to offer people “the freedom to explore their faith without feeling like I’m pushing it down their throat.”
Gerber anticipates the sessions will last about an hour and 15 minutes (depending on the number of questions, of course).
Lake Louise Church of the Nazarene is located on M-15 across from Lake Louise. For more information, call (248) 627-3171.

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