Merit exam scores rise for Clarkston

Clarkston students scored higher in all categories except one in the 2009 Michigan Merit Exam.
“Science, math, social studies, reading, and writing scores went up,” said Staci Puzio, testing and research supervisor. “English Language Arts had a slight drop, but not by much.”
Taken by Clarkston High School juniors this past spring, 71.4 percent scored high enough to meet or exceed standards. Last year, 72.6 percent scored at this level, compared to 71.3 percent in 2007.
Math scores increased by 4.5 percent compared to last year, from 65 percent to 69.5 percent.
Writing increased by 3.1 percent, from 59.9 percent to 63 percent.
Clarkston scores are about 18 percent average higher than statewide scores, and about 10 percent higher than Oakland County averages.
“Clarkston students score consistently in top seven school districts in the county,” Puzio said.
Puzio examines MME test results, along with MEAP scores, classroom testing and other assessments, to find where curriculum can and should be improved.
“We look at it and break it down,” she said. “There are so many factors ? have trimesters had an impact?”
She also follows test scores of students as they advance through elementary, middle, junior, and high school.
“We look at more than tests ? we look at the total picture,” she said. “Testing is just one piece of information. We look for where students need assistance in general, not just on the test.”

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